March 3, 2015

Tuesday - Cloudy, rainy at night

A good day.

I got up this morning and tried to watch some TV before getting on with my day.  I woke up an hour and a bit later. Oops.  I had breakfast and managed to stay awake for a while, although I did stay in my pyjamas for an embarrassingly long time!

In the late afternoon I decided to go out.  I didn’t have much in the apartment for lunch, so thought that a quick trip to Subway would suffice.  I bicycled off to the mall and had a yummy sandwich.  After I ate, I had some tea at Doutors and read my book for a while.  

I left the mall around 5 pm and got home fairly quickly after that.  I did some laundry and then got a call from F saying he was on his way home, via his mother’s house.  

I started to get the kitchen into shape, and put on some water to boil. When he came home he was tired and went to his bed again, but didn’t fall asleep.  I told him dinner would be available shortly and it was.  Tonight we had pasta with ume sauce and shrimp, plus miso soup and salad.  It was quite nice to be honest and was quite yummy.  

F did the dishes and we settled in for a quiet evening.  During the evening I wrote a couple of postcrossing cards and went over to the couch for a bit of craft time.  F went to bed fairly early and is snoozing away.

Tomorrow, I’m not sure what I’ll get up to.  I will likely go to the post office and may even go further than that if the weather is okay.  It is supposed to be bad though.  Come back later and see how things go.  Until tomorrow….

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