February 28, 2016

Sunday - Clear and sunny, cool

A goodish day.

I woke up quite late this morning, but before my Sunday alarms.  I got up, got dressed, had a cup of tea and made the bed.  F was quite a while before he came home.  It was after 1 pm.  He’d been out with his mother and they’d gone to a hot spring and also had some lunch.  

We went for our lunch but had a few problems finding a place to go.  Our first choice was closed, our second choice too, our third choice didn’t open today, so we ended up at The Grand El Sun.  The parking lot there was very busy, but we were able to get into the restaurant.  We had a nice meal, but as usual, it was a tiny meal!  I had chicken and it was two small pieces of chicken breast with a tuna sauce.  I wasn’t sure about the success of the tuna sauce, but I did like my meal overall.

F said he was very tired after lunch, iso we came home and he went straight to bed.  I had a feeling he’d pull something like that because tomorrow is the fire alarm inspection day.  I had to clear a path through the junk in the tatami room to the closet.  I moved a few things, sorted out some others and grumped about my husband.  

I didn’t work overly hard on it, just wanted to get it done.  F slept all afternoon and didn’t get up until well after 7:30.  He got up and to his credit did a lot of tidying up and clearing up of his stuff, but I wish that he hadn’t waited until the very last minute.  I’ve told him this was coming for the whole month.  

We did go out for dinner too.  I suggested Coco’s, so that is where we went.  We had a nice meal.  F had a doria with bacon and an egg, I had chicken with steak fries and we split a beef quesadilla.  It was a new dish for Coco’s and it was quite good.

We picked up a few groceries for F afterwards and then came home. F did a few more bits of cleaning up and put on American Sniper.  Since I didn’t like it when I saw it in the theatre, I didn’t like it even more on my TV screen.  I knew he was watching it, so I went into the bedroom with my computer and did a little blogging until it finished.  

I came out of the room and now I’m writing this.  It was a very quiet afternoon and evening really.

Oh! I nearly forgot to show you my new glasses!  Sorry 'bout that.

F says they look like Clark Kent glasses!

Tomorrow I’ll be Facebooking the Academy Awards with some friends.  It’s become our annual tradition and it is a lot of fun.  It will be a little strange because F will be around, but I’ve told him several times that he doesn’t get to interrupt me during the show!

Come back in a bit and see how my day goes. How were the Oscars this year?  You’ll have to wait to find out, until tomorrow….

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