May 20, 2017

Saturday - Hot and Sunny

A good day.

We got up a little later this morning than usual and went out.  F was heading to the doctor, me to the apartment.  He had to stop at the big corner near the park, so I asked if I should get out and walk from there, and he said yes.  So I did.  It was a lovely day and I really didn’t mind.

I was at the apartment for a while and I did some of my knitting.  I got it back to where it was before I ripped it out last night. I had some drinks and watched some TV including Nigella. 

F finally came back and we talked about lunch.  F had some bad suggestions so I finally suggested going to the Daiichi Hotel.  They have just started to have a buffet lunch again, so we thought we’d try it.  It was a tad expensive, but the food was generally quite good.  

After lunch, we went to the Chido Museum and F renewed his membership.  They were having the katana show too, so we went to see it.  It was okay,  F gets a lot more out of it than I do.  We saw a couple of other things and then went to Cafe Studio Cinq for coffee.

F pled backache after coffee, so we went back to his house for a nap.  We tried, but didn’t quite manage much sleep.  We asked K if she’d like to have dinner with us, but she’d already eaten, so we went by ourselves.  Our first choice was closed, so we went for curry and had a good meal.  

We came home via the conbini for some drinks and a very strange type of potato chip that I don’t recommend!
Yes those are pineapple candy flavoured chips.  Not my cup of tea.

And that’s about it for today.  Not sure what we’ll get up to on Sunday, so please come on back and find out!  Until tomorrow…

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