September 19, 2018

Wednesday - Sunny and warm

A good day. 

It was nice to have a quiet day again, it feels like it has been a while since I did.  I got up before 8, watched the news and made the bed, the usual.  F popped in for a couple of minutes bearing drinks but left soon after.  

I had a quiet day and basically didn’t see K at all today. Our paths never crossed and I didn’t seek her out.  

F was a bit late tonight, but nothing terrible.  We decided to go to the onsen tonight since they are closed tomorrow.  We got K a bento at the grocery store and I picked up a few things from the store for me too.  I had worn my “house” glasses to the store, so when we arrived at the house, I helped unpack the groceries, then ran upstairs to put my glasses in my room.  

When F and I arrived at our restaurant, Coco Ichibanya, I couldn’t find my usual glasses.  They are always in my purse but weren’t today. Ack.  I managed to avoid reading the menu and picked something to eat.  We ate, and F was sweet enough to say he’d take me back to the house before going to the onsen to find my glasses.  

We made a quick run to the house and I looked for my outside-the-house glasses. I couldn’t find them at all.  I took my house glasses with me so I could at least read.  

We went to the onsen and I read a bit of the Journal. I didn’t really connect to the topic, sad to say.  Oh well.  

F came out just before the onsen closed, we grabbed quick drinks and then left.  On the way back to the house we got a few things at a convenience store.

At the house I got busy.  I took my stuff downstairs so that I could take a shower. I also did up the garbage for tomorrow’s pick up.  When I finished that, I took my sponge and some cleaner into the toilet room and cleaned the little sink where F and K wash their hands.  It had looked awful before I got there.  I took a shower and also did a few touch-ups in the shower.  Hurray for me.  And, I found my glasses!  Last night I had heard a little "clunk" as the case fell to the floor. I had no idea where they were until I remembered the sound late last night.  Yayl

I came back upstairs and watched The Blacklist which was great of course.  I even chatted a little with my sister. 

And that’s about it.  Tomorrow I hope to do a little cooking and I’ll see what else I have time for. Come back and find out what I get up to. Until tomorrow….

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