July 16, 2009 - Thursday

Hot and humid, a bit cloudy.

Today started oddly. I'm not talking about the cuddlefest I got this morning from my hubby, but after that. I fell back asleep and had the strangest dream. I dreamt that I went into Michelle Obama's hotel room and rummaged around in her private letters and such. I left the room in a hurry because I thought she was coming back to the room. I ran back to my room and got into bed to pretend that I hadn't been anywhere, but she came into my room and started telling me off. She had found me because I had left one of my personal papers in her letters. I woke up around that point, but I'm not really sure what it all means! I had read a newspaper article on her a few days ago so maybe it was in my subconscious, but how weird! And please, if there are any CIA people reading out there....It was just a dream!

I got up and watched the news today. There was great rejoicing in the land! I did computer stuff, took my shower and then did laundry. Hurray. It didn't avalanche onto me last night.

When the time came I made my brunch and then headed off to work. I got to the school, turned on the AC and then headed out to the drugstore. I didn't buy too much today, just a drink and a few munchies, but it was nice to bike around for a bit.

My class went well. The student had made a trip to Tokyo this week so she told me all about it and then we got into our lesson. We do a lot of writing in this class. In our last textbook I wanted her to do more, but she wouldn't, now she writes dialogues and seems to enjoy it very much.

F had had to go out of town today so I didn't know when he'd be back. I decided that I'd take my time closing up today. I also needed to prep my first class on Saturday. I relaxed for a bit, did paperwork and just tried to enjoy myself. Around 9 I got an email and texted him back that I would be done in a bit. He showed up in about 15 minutes. I wasn't done yet so I wasn't best pleased, but I suppose he was trying to be nice.

We had dinner in Grado. It was very nice. I had meat and hubby had fish. The dinner was delicious. I like the restaurant. It isn't perfect, but it is fairly low cost.

We bought a few groceries, and then came home. We had a quiet evening and F went to bed quite early. He's tired all the time these days. He says that he can't feel the heat. I think his body can, even if his brain doesn't really register how hot it is. Anyway, these days he's so very tired. I feel a bit sorry for him really.

That's it for me. My bruise is now surfacing on my leg. It's rather large and quite a lovely shade of purplish-blue. I'd take a picture of it, but I'd have to shave my leg first and I just can't be bothered!

Night everyone!

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