August 19, 2011

Friday - Hot and sunny

I couldn’t sleep at all last night when I went to bed. I lay there in bed for two hours, tossing and turning and no sleep. I got up around 6 and went over to my computer for a few minutes, then tried going back to sleep. I finally fell asleep. In fact, I overslept. Yikes. I was meeting someone at 12:30 and I was still in bed 2 hours before that.

I got up, had a quick shower and then did my computer stuff very quickly. I got dressed with a few minutes to spare and headed off on my bike. I managed to catch the postal worker just as he was emptying the mailbox along my way, so I gave him my postcard and off I went. I made it, and was even early!

I met Nikki on my way into the washroom, she was on her way out! I needed to comb my hair and then we met properly. She’s a member of my women’s group for foreign ladies married to Japanese men, AFWJ. She lives in the next city, has been around for a while, but I’ve never met her before.

We had a nice lunch in Monami, the Daiichi Hotel’s restaurant and then an after lunch drink in Doutors. On our way to Doutors my cellphone’s earthquake alarm went off, so we were a little nervous, but we couldn’t see too many effects of the quake. It was a 3 here, which after everything else is quite mild. Nikki and I had a huge gab session and it was a lot of fun. We broke up our party around 4 I think. She headed home, and I headed back into the mall to do a little shopping. I got more postcards and also tried to find something for dinner. I didn’t manage.

I biked home and went over to my computer to try and make up some of my lost time. F came home less than an hour later and we went out. First we went back to S-Mall to take in my glasses. They broke last night and I’m hoping they can be repaired. I have a newer pair, but I don’t really like them that much. It might cost about 6000 yen, but I’m having them fixed.

We hit up our usual grocery store afterwards for some veggies and then came home for dinner. It was yakiniku and should be quite simple. Except it wasn’t. F vanished into the bedroom, couldn’t even help get the hotplate out, so I was a tad annoyed. However, I decided to just keep quiet. I got everything done up to the point of cooking the meat and then took a break. When the silence was understood, I had a companion for dinner again!

The meat was nice and so were the veggies. I think we had equal amounts of meat and veggies…but there were leftover veggies at the end. F did the dishes and then we had a quiet evening, except for the J-TV that F subjected me to. He did up another Postcrossing card and I had to help him a bit with that. I also had my own work to do though, so it was a bit hard. I’m also really really tired, so I hope everything went well.

Anyway, that was my day. It was pretty great. I could have done with more sleep, but all in all, a nice one. And now…to bed! Night.

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