October 25, 2020

Sunday - Rain, rain, and more rain

I slept in this morning. Well, I woke up early, went downstairs, came back up and fell asleep again. I slept through all of the alarms that I had set too. Oops. 

I got up and got dressed. We did our usual dance about where to go for lunch so I asked to go to The Grand El Sun where we got married. We did and had a nice lunch. I liked mine a lot, I’m not sure about F. He usually grumbles about the price there, but it is quite reasonable in my opinion and the place is nice!

After lunch we went back to the house because K wanted to go and see her mother who is in the hospital again. F was going to drive her. I has asked him earlier if it was really okay for them to go and visit because, “Hello…Pandemic going on….” It turns out that I was right and they weren’t able to go. It’s reserved for close family only. Although IMHO, K is close family, she isn’t the care-giver so I understand it. 

I suggested F and I go to the Chido Museum. I have a membership so it is free for both of us to go. We haven’t been in a bit. We did, and it was cool. Today’s exhibit was a huge map of the Dewa area of Yamagata and Akita. It was quite old too, and I was able to ask F a few questions about the map and some of the other exhibits. In the lobby downstairs they had a box of things for sale by donation. They had a ton of postcards, so I looked through them and bought a few. F was looking at some china, but we had to go.  

In the gift shop on the way out, I noticed that their cloth bags were on sale. They are nice canvas bags with a print of the recently remade building on it. I got one as a potential Christmas present, F bought another one in a colour I don’t like to give to me…? Huh? I was right there, if he was planning to give it to me couldn’t he have at least asked what colour I’d like?

We headed off to S-mall after the museum. I wanted a drink and I wanted to go to the hundred yen shop. I picked up a dustpan for yesterday’s broom, and F got himself a pair of bluetooth earphones for 500 yen. He’s quite happy with them and says they work well. 

We went to Doutor and had a drink each. F had his usual coffee and I tried the decaf kinako soy latte which I liked a lot. It wasn’t even too sweet. We sat for a while and used our phones. It was rather nice. 

We came back to the house via the grocery store to pick up a few things for K’s dinner and dinner this week. F made sure that K was okay and then we went upstairs for a bit. I joined a Zoom meeting that my women’s group was having for a few minutes. F had a stomachache so he wasn’t too into eating for a bit.

Finally, I had to leave the meeting because I was getting hungry too.  No worries!

Earlier I had suggested two restaurants to F and he picked one of them, Sashimi-ya 2.  We went there and had a pretty good meal. I had cooked gindara that was very nice without too many bones and F had a donburi with tuna and chopped tuna on it. 

When we left the restaurant we went to the grocery store and bought a few things for dinner over the next couple of days. I’m going to either make tacos again or chicken tomorrow night, it depends.

The big electronic shop reopens tomorrow, so if F leaves work early enough, we might head over there to see if we can get a light for the genkan. If he doesn’t tomorrow night, we’ll probably try and head over on Tuesday. I hope one of the two will work out.

Also tonight, F wants to go to Yamagata and Costco next month so we are going to drive down and spend a night in Yamagata city. We had a bit of an argument when I spent 10 minutes looking up good places to stay and then he announced that he wanted to stay in a ryokan. I told him to have a good time by himself. I’m not a fan! The food is great, but sleeping on a futon and having to get up early for a raw fish breakfast isn’t something I’m excited by. 

When I came back from my angry shower, he asked me to book the hotel I had suggested earlier. He was hoping to use a government subsidy and I don’t think Ryokans offer it, or if they do, they are still quite expensive. 

Well, that’s it for me. It’s quite late and I really should be getting off to bed. Come back tomorrow and hear all about my Monday. Will I ever get my column written? Wish me luck with that!

Until tomorrow….


Rosa said...

It will be nice for you to have a small getaway next month before winter really kicks up--even if it isn't in a ryokan, haha! They are SO expensive, but beautiful--if you can overlook sleeping on the floor (ugh) and raw fish for breakfast (double ugh!).

I wish we could get away and take a holiday, even an overnight one, but we're still observing our lockdown/quaranting measures in our house, though most people seem to have given up on doing so (or even wearing masks in many cases) and the covid numbers are rising again. I'm terrified for my country if the fool in the white house gets reelected. Hundreds of thousands dead and people just shrug because they have been told it's all "fake news." So ignorant!

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now.

Be well! Stay safe!

Helen said...

I am SO not a ryokan fan. I hate early mornings, I'm not really into the whole "bathing" thing and the two things you mentioned, sleeping on the floor and raw fish for breakfast are things I really dislike too. That said, I do love the amazing dinners, but I want to be able to relax when I'm away and sitting around watching F drink more than he should doesn't rank high on my list of things I want to do.

Fortunately, he agreed to a nice hotel near the center of the city with a cinema in walking distance, so I'm quite happy about it!

I promise, we both wear masks when we go out and we try to do things that aren't too crowded or risky. I haven't been to karaoke in a year now. Wah. We really live in a "small" city, Japanese style! In Canada though, a city of 100,000 would be a fairly big one, but not here!

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