Wednesday - Snowy and a bit cold
A busy day.
This morning was a little different than usual. I didn’t stay in my room after getting up. I did have some tea and then went downstairs to start getting my soup ready. I used a slow cooker recipe from the internet and had most of the ingredients so I chopped vegetables and got the soup ready. put all the ingredients in my slow cooker and turned it on. Done.
I had a late breakfast upstairs and then did a few things upstairs. I heard K bumping around downstairs a little later so went down and asked if she’d like lunch. She would as it happened and I prepped some lunch for both of us. It was simple, but nice. We had tongue, salad, chawanmushi and another type of salad that I had bought in the store. It was quite nice. There was also bread, but K didn’t have hers. F popped in for a visit, so I gave it to him.
I did the dishes and then went back upstairs to work on my column. I got quite a bit done, but still haven’t finished. Around 4 pm I went outside to shovel the snow.
F was back at the house around 5:45, so I went downstairs and got things ready for our dinner. I sliced some bread, got out plates, salad and spoons. When F came downstairs, he helped by taking things out to the living room. I dished up the soup and it was nice. I had overdone the garlic, so if there is another time, I’ll use a lot less.
F and I did the dishes, and dried most of the things and put them away. He wanted to go to the onsen tonight again. I think we are having a little trouble with the water heater. Anyway, we went to the same place we went on Monday night. It was nice again, but a lot busier. I did have one lady try to talk to me. However, speaking in Japanese while I’m naked is not really something I want to do!
We came back to the house via a grocery store where we bought massive amounts of junk-food, and then to a convenience shop for some sandwiches. We came back to the house. I watched a bit of TV and also spent some time with. It was nice.
That’s it for me. There really isn’t that much more anyway. I’m nearly asleep at my keyboard. Come back later and see how my Thursday goes. Until tomorrow….
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