October 18, 2019

Friday - Cool but sunny, rainy at night

I got up this morning when my alarm first went off and stayed up.  I did a load of laundry quite early this morning and also grabbed my breakfast. For some reason, K came in the kitchen, saw me, and turned around and left. I spoke to her and wished her a good morning, but she didn’t say anything to me at all. I was rather surprised since she used to be upset with me for not talking to her first!

I had a very quiet day really. I had to put away the clothes that were now dry so I made a mound of them on my bed and hung up the other ones. I caught up on the last of my shows on the DVR from the week too, so that was good.

Around 5:30 or so F called to say he was on his way, so I went down and got dinner started.  K came into the kitchen and I think asked if she could help, but she didn’t understand anything that I asked her to do, so that was pointless.  I gave her some chips and guacamole to keep her busy!

Tonight I had a big lot of work in the kitchen. I made guacamole and also baked potatoes, baked chicken and it was pretty good. I served a salad with them, and there were some pickles that F had bought last night. I was stuffed at the end of dinner. The baked potatoes were amazing. Really good!

I cleared the table and started in on the dishes.  I fired up my iPhone and listened to another podcast. To do him credit, F came in to help, but I shooed him away as I was half done anyway.

After I finished I went upstairs.  A few minutes later F came in too and we discussed what we’d do tonight. I wanted to go to Starbucks so that is what we did.  We drove there, ordered our Halloween frappuccinos and then sat and actually talked to each other.  F’s phone wasn’t charging and the battery was drained so he couldn’t use his phone.  Would I seem too smug if I was a little happy about that?

We came back to the house before 11 more or less.  I took a shower and then settled in front of the TV to (re)watch The Walking Dead.  Man, that show is so scary and also so cool! We’re still on season one, I’ve seen up to season three I think.  

And that’s it. This might be a busy weekend but I sort of hope not. F is off on Monday and also Tuesday. Tuesday is a national holiday for the Enthronement of the new Emperor. They’ve cancelled the parade due to last weekend’s typhoon though. 

I’ll most likely be here tomorrow night. Come back and see what I get up to later. Until tomorrow….

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