October 28, 2021

Thursday - Rainy and also warm

I woke up a couple of minutes before F this morning. That was weird! I made a quick trip downstairs and then went back to sleep. 

I got up when my alarm went off and watched the news. When it was over I watched the early on news that I had recorded. Later, I did a load of laundry and hung it up in the room. I had the first of four cups of tea too. 

I watched a bit of TV and had lunch after a bit. I finished watching Monsieur Hire. I’d seen it years ago at The Princess Theatre in Edmonton and it haunted me. I watched it again, but sadly for me the subtitles in Japan were in Japanese. My French isn’t very good and my Japanese isn’t either! Woe is me!  It was still wonderful to see it again. That final scene…flawless.

I also worked on my column and basically got it done. Woot! Tomorrow I’ll check it again, make a few tweaks and hopefully send it in. Hurrah!

F called to say that he was on his way back and I asked him to pick up something at the store. He came back to the house with it. 

In the meantime I had gone downstairs and got started in the kitchen. I had decided to do something simple for dinner tonight. One of my students had mentioned that he doesn’t know how to cook, but sometimes made mabo-dofu, a spicy dish we get in Chinese restaurants here. F and I got some sauce packets at the store, some tofu, and I decided that I could make it! So, I did. I served it with some salad and an eggy Chinese soup. Dinner was quite good and not too stressful for a change. Woot. Happy about that.

I did the dishes which didn’t take all night (hurray) and then went upstairs. After a little while, F and I went out to the grocery store to pick up food for tomorrow.

I’m going to do my usual spaghetti for dinner tomorrow, but I’m going to serve it with some bacon, and a salad. I have a few eggplants in the fridge so I might do something with them if I’m feeling up to the task. I just don’t want to do too much work. I know that sounds bad, but yesterday’s dinner, while very nice, took ages to make and ages to clean up afterwards. Since I’m basically the equivalent of a scullery maid in this family, I want to go easy on myself. 

I had a quiet evening tonight. I watched a bit of AppleTV and enjoyed it, then a bit of YouTube. I am finding that YouTube has stopped showing me the channels that I like. It is quite annoying.

And, that’s about it for my day. Tomorrow, the big thing is to finish my column and get it sent in, then perhaps plan another lesson, or at least look and see if I need to do one!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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