August 28, 2024

Wednesday - Hot and humid

I woke up early this morning, probably a bit after F left. Unusually, he hadn’t turned on the AC for me. I made a trip downstairs and then went back to bed and napped for a while. 

I got up later, dressed and then went downstairs to get my breakfast. While I was in the kitchen, I heard K and F’s sister come back. I went to the door and let them in. After that, I went upstairs to eat. 

I had a fairly quiet day today. I watched some YouTube, I watched the news from the bed because I didn’t feel that well for a few minutes. Later on, I went downstairs to get my lunch. After I came back upstairs I decided to watch Major Crimes. I saw the end of the series and loved it, but I didn’t see the beginning of it. I’m not sure how much I’ll watch. I enjoyed it though.

I worked on my column today and I think I finished it. It isn’t the best one I’ve ever done, but it is okay and I tried hard not to write about films that I always write about! I’ll review it tomorrow and then send it in.

F called me around 5:30 and said he was on his way back. I changed, went downstairs and got started on dinner. K’s sister had given us some cucumbers from her garden so I decided to just make cucumber sticks with them. It was a good call as they were lovely. Our main dish was gapao rice and it turned out well. I used my new egg rings to fry the eggs in and they worked quite well. There was a little bit of leakage but generally, they were good. 

Dinner was pretty good tonight and everything was eaten. Hurray!

After dinner, I did the dishes and then did the garbage up in the kitchen. I was quite busy and it was hot, even though I had the door into the living room open with the AC on in there. I got the garbage ready to go out and then I went upstairs to change my clothes.

F and I went over to MaxValu and I went in the shop. I picked up stuff for tomorrow’s dinner and my lunches. I also got something for K’s lunch tomorrow too. 

We came back to the house and I came upstairs and relaxed. Usually, I take a shower tonight, but I decided not to as I’m going out on Friday. I’d prefer to have one tomorrow night. I won’t be buying groceries either, so that will be good! I watched the new show Wild Cards. It was okay. It isn’t the best show ever, but it does have potential. It’s also filmed in Vancouver, which is really cool

And, that’s about it. Things are better today and I’m glad, to be honest. 

Anyway, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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