February 14, 2025

Friday - Sunny and clear

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I woke up this morning when my alarm rang. I didn’t wake up early for a change. That was nice. I went downstairs for a couple of minutes and then came back upstairs and went back to bed for a bit. I watched a couple of videos and then snoozed for a bit. 

I dragged myself out of bed a bit later and dressed. I went downstairs and made my breakfast, I brought it upstairs and ate. It was very nice. I got a new cereal yesterday and I tried it this morning.

I had a quiet afternoon. I did a load of laundry and hung it up, I grabbed my lunch and brought it upstairs. I watched an episode of Buffy today and it was good. Spike made his first appearance. To be honest, I’ve been thinking of giving up on the show as it just wasn’t that interesting. He made it a lot more interesting!

F called me after 5:15 and said he was on his way back to the house. I reminded him that he should pick up something for his mother’s breakfast tomorrow and he said he would. I also reminded him that it was Valentine’s Day and that he might want to get his mother some chocolates. 

I went downstairs and started on dinner. Tonight I just did a simple meal of spaghetti with a Japanese-style sauce, and salad and I cooked some mushrooms in mayonnaise and soy sauce. Dinner was good and K even said that it was good. I’m glad to hear her actually talking as she doesn’t speak much these days.

I did the dishes after dinner and then talked to F for a few minutes. he thought I wanted to go out tonight and was relieved when I said I didn’t. I went up and got out the chocolates I bought for Fumihiko’s Valentine’s present. When he came up to the room, I gave him his chocolates and he felt really bad. He’d given me some for my birthday that he’d bought for Valentine’s Day! He promised to buy me something tomorrow, but I told him that would mean his would be discounted!

I took a shower after 10pm and then came back to the room. I did a bit of knitting and watched Severance. It was really good and we got to learn a bit more about one of the characters. It was….odd. 

Since midnight, I’ve been watching YouTube and doing my internet stuff. I’ll hopefully go to bed soon as I might have a longish day tomorrow. We had a doctor’s appointment in the morning and in the early evening, I hope to go and see a movie in Mikawa. It’s been a while for them to have a movie in English. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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