Friday - Cold and snowy
An okay day.
It was freezing again this morning when I got up. I also had to fill up the kerosene tank in our room’s heater so I had to be awake for that!
I had my usual sort of morning and had breakfast. I watched a bit of TV off the DVR and even decided to watch a movie that I had recorded a few weeks ago. It was okay but not great, so I deleted it after I watched it.
I hadn’t heard K for a while so when F phoned before 12 I told him I hadn’t seen her yet. Of course as soon as I rang off the phone I heard her downstairs!
I went down to prep my lunch around 1:30 I think and did offer K some lunch, but she’d already eaten. Probably just as well then. I came back upstairs and ate and worked on the dreaded cull of my women’s group.
Around 4 pm I went outside to shovel some snow. The snow ploughs had been out and had blocked our entrance again, so I knew that I had to undo the big piles of snow. I cleared by the house first and then over by the gate. While I was working we got two deliveries…one a book I was waiting for from a friend, and one was a box for my husband.
The snow shovelling was quite nasty at times because the snow would start swirling and it would blind me and pile up on the places I had just finished. Sigh. After almost an hour I gave up! I had had enough. And I was done, more or less.
I went in and came back upstairs where I stayed for a bit. F came back to the house just before six. His box actually had something in it for his mother so he took it down and spent time with her.
Later he came back upstairs and we decided to go out for sushi for dinner. We went to Kula Sushi and had a pretty good dinner. It’s a fun place to go.
After dinner we just came back to the house. It was quite nasty outside so I felt for F, having to clear off the windows all the time.
At the house, he left me to take a shower, then he went off to have a massage for his back. He had booked a 90-minute course which meant I had about two hours on my own. I finished the first part of my cull and then took a shower.
That’s really all the important things that happened today. I spent a bit of time on my computer but it went fairly well. I’m not sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. Hopefully, it will include a movie, but you never know.
Come back later and see what I get up to. Until tomorrow….
I hope tomorrow will be much warmer!!!!!!!!!! Stay put! :)
It is a couple of degrees warmer, but since Japanese houses are really badly made, it is colder inside than outside. I'd rather go somewhere and get warm!!
Thanks for visiting :-)
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