August 19, 2023

Saturday - Hot, Sunny, Humid. Same as usual

I woke up around 9 this morning, but I thought it was 10! It was already over 30 in our room, so I turned on the AC. I went back to sleep after I read a little bit. I woke up around noon today and felt I was ready to get up. We talked about going out for lunch and didn’t really have a plan for ages. After a while, I suggested going out to Naa. F called them to check if we could get a table and to request a table. Sometimes we’ve been given a floor table, but right now neither of us wants to have one of those.

We drove out of Tsuruoka proper to the restaurant. It’s an old farmhouse and it wasn’t air-conditioned. Usually, it is quite cool inside as the walls are thick and there is a lot of airflow. Well, today it was a bit hot. It wasn’t unbearable, and they did have fans going, but I think I’ll wait a while before I go back! We both had their larger meal. I had mine with shabu-shabu pork and grilled warasa, a fish I don’t know well. It was very nice. F had something else pork-wise and another type of fish. 

After our meal, F suggested going to Komeda and having kaki-gori. I was quite down with that. We were able to get in right away and had our kaki-gori. I had the jasmine tea and mango one with soft ice cream. It was lovely. F had a very Japanese-style one. He had matcha and sweet beans and soft ice cream. He liked his, but I’m glad I didn’t have it!

We came back to the house after this. F wasn’t doing well and I was a bit sleepy. At the house, I brought my computer over to the bed and read a bit, did some book registering on Goodreads and read my blog entries. After that, I put my computer away and I took a nap. 

We both woke up around 6 or so. I suggested taking K out for dinner to the faraway Gusto. F was a bit surprised, but he did go along with it. Tonight was the Hanabi or fireworks in Tsuruoka and a lot of roads near the riverside are closed or blocked off. 

We had a decent meal at Gusto. K did the thing where she gave F a bunch of her food. He didn’t want it, but she keeps saying she can’t eat it all. Then, she eats half of the plate of fries that I ordered for us all and all of what was left of her meal. Silly lady.

We came back to the house and saw some of the fireworks from the road. I think K watched a bit from the kitchen. I went outside and watered the tomato plants again, and then went upstairs. I watched the fireworks from our bedroom window for a bit, and then just stopped. 

After 9pm I watched The Walking Dead and then another episode of The Crowded Room. They were both very interesting and I liked both of them. I’m quite engrossed in both shows!

And that’s about it. We have no plans for tomorrow so I’m not sure what will happen, or what we will do. But, never fear, tomorrow night I’ll update you all and let you know what has happened. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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