August 20, 2023

Sunday - Hot, Sunny, Humid. (Same old, same old in other words)

I woke up this morning just after 7:00 am. F had got up and gone out, and he’d turned on the AC. Normally I would be thankful, but it was so darn cold blowing on me that I woke up. I had no idea where F was. I went downstairs a bit later and F wasn’t around. I assumed that he must have gone to his favourite hot spring. It turns out that I was correct. 

I tried to go back to sleep, but it took ages. I didn’t fall asleep until F came back. But then, I slept for a few hours! I woke up somewhere after noon. Sigh. 

We talked about going out but didn’t do anything about it. F made his mother some lunch after I suggested it to him and then we talked about us going out. F had wanted to go to Oyama to a soba shop. I didn’t so I suggested that he check the place online to see if it was still open. He did and it wasn’t. I suggested either going to another soba shop that might be open or my favourite Kissa Marina. We checked out the soba shop, but it had closed already, probably sold out. On the way to Kissa Marina, we passed a ramen shop, so of course, F wanted to go there. I suggested that he drop me off at Kissa Marina and he could go to the ramen shop. F seemed okay with that, so I went into my restaurant, checked if it was okay to come in, and then waved to F that it was okay to leave me. 

I had a pretty good meal. I had my usual dish, curry pasta and really enjoyed it. I did manage to splash myself a little, but it wasn’t too bad. 

F phoned me when he was finished and I paid and went out. I suggested going to a hundred-yen shop, so off we went. After a quick pit stop, I went into Daiso and bought a few things. I came back out and then F and I went down to J. Marui to get bentos for dinner. 

We came back to the house and came upstairs to relax. It was so hot up here and took a while before it cooled down. I had a bit of an upset stomach, so decided not to eat for a while. I watched some YouTube for a while and then I realized this was a great chance to work on my column, so I wrote about two films. Yay me! I could probably call it a day, but I might see if I have more to write about. I need to think a little more.

I didn’t eat my dinner until after 9:30. F had gone down around 7:30 and ate with his mother. I worked on my column and then stopped to eat. While I ate, I watched an episode of Fringe. I rather enjoyed it. I haven’t watched any of it for a while.

Tonight when I went downstairs to get my dinner I hung up the new towel rack in the bathroom. I hope it sticks! I also watered the plants outside. I heated up my bento and then brought it upstairs to eat. 

I’ve been blogging for a while, and watching YouTube again. I have a few shows that I really like to watch but I find my blogging is better if I concentrate on it and not watch. Sorry, y’all!

Anyway, I have no idea what I’ll get up to tomorrow. I think we’re going to try and make dinner since I have a few things in the top of the fridge that are due to expire soon. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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