December 9, 2016

Friday - Rainy

A good day.

I got up a little early today, made some tea and had breakfast and watched Revenge.  Such a crazy show.  

F came home for lunch and then went back off to work. I did a bit of computer stuff and then worked on some Christmas Cards.  I did up 4 of them, so together with the one from earlier in the week, I was able to run them off to the post office a little before 5 pm.  I think I might have even been in time to catch the mail pickup.  Yay me. 

I came home, and then started working on dinner.  F had said he’d be late, so I decided I’d get everything prepped so when he arrived I would just be able to cook everything.  That’s about what happened.  Tonight we had garlic pork, stir-fried eggplant, German Potatoes without bacon and salad.  It was nice!  F beetled off without doing the dishes…funny how he re-appeared after they were done.  I know he’s not feeling well these days, but he didn’t even mention it or apologize and that bothers me. 

Once F had ensconced himself on the couch, I decided to wrap Christmas Gifts.  Originally, I just planned to wrap a few, but ended up powering through and doing them all.  Yay me.  Now comes the hard part!  I have to list them all and prepare a list of them for Customs.

After I finished, it was after midnight.  F went to bed soon afterwards and I went back to my computer.  I’ve done a few on-line things but I’ll be off to bed soon since it is really late.  

I’m not sure what we’re going to get up to on Saturday.  Come back later and find out.  Until tomorrow…. 

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