Thursday - Cold, windy and so incredibly snowy
An okay day. I overslept a bit this morning, but it didn’t matter as I didn’t have to go anywhere. I watched the rebroadcast of Shameless and then got on the net. I realised that I had to do some work for my women’s group and I had to get on it right away. That’s what I basically did for the entire afternoon!
Around 5 pm I dragged myself outside to shovel F’s parking space for him, and I immediately wished I hadn’t! There must have been a good 10 to 20 cm of fresh snow on the ground. I cleared as much as I could, and tried to make room for his car to fit in the parking space, but the snow was coming down almost as fast as I could move it. Yuck.
I came back in a bit later. F called to say he was on his way home and arrived at 6 pm. He was quite tired and sounded really bad. He’s been fighting off a cold or something for a few days and it sounds like it found him. He had a really scratchy froggy voice, poor thing.
After watching Project Runway, we went out for dinner. It was just Kappa Sushi, but that’s all we in the mood for. F is so tired from work that I don’t think he’s interested in cooking at home. When we were on the way home I suggested going to get something for his throat, so we went to a drugstore. We got some medicine for him, plus some soap and a couple of drinks too.
We came home and had a quiet evening. I introduced F to Lipstick Jungle and later on we watched the new episode of Shameless together. I did even more work for my women’s group, and then I sat on the couch and watched Shameless while I crocheted. That is one wacky show. I like it, but it does get very in your face. I wonder what the British version was like?
That’s about it for me. I find it hard to get places under my own steam at the moment. There is so much snow everywhere. I hope this weather system passes soon. There really isn’t anywhere else to put all the snow. I suppose I couldn’t really bring it inside and melt it could I? Got to go. Night!
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