January 30, 2019

Wednesday - Warmer and clear

I woke up this morning fairly early but came back to bed before F had to go to work. He left quietly and I really didn’t hear him leave. 

I had a quiet morning. I watched a bit of TV, I checked email and stuff, no big deal. After breakfast, I got really, really sleepy so I took a catnap. I set my timer for 15 minutes so I woke up, reset it and then slept a little longer. I got up after that.

I had a nice lunch using F’s onion bread from yesterday. That was so good. I’m glad he listened to me. K was probably back in bed, I didn’t see her for most of the day. 

F called at 4 to say he was still in Yamagata city, so wouldn’t be back before 7 he thought. He was planning to make dinner so it was a small worry.

He actually ended up arriving back at the house around 6:30 or so. He changed and got into dinner making mode right away. I think I was helpful! I carried things to the table, got things out for him and generally was there for him. He had made a nabe, but it was a different one than usual, which is why I couldn’t do it before he arrived. He used konbu to make the stock and then arranged the food in the nabe according to how fast it cooked. When things were made, we had a lovely meal. We were supposed to just grab stuff out of the nabe, rather like a hotpot I assume, but he put the ingredients in small bowls for us and we could choose to dip them in one of two sauces. That was nice.

F washed the dishes afterwards and I dried and put them away. We were done quickly. 

F asked me if I needed to go out, but I said I didn’t. I knew he was tired, so I didn’t want to stress him out. I watched telly, F did his phone thing as usual. 

That’s basically how our evening progressed. I did turn off the TV for a bit and got in some snuggle time, and after midnight I did up the garbage in the kitchen so F can take it out in the morning. I threw out a bunch of food from the fridge too. K has the odd habit of keeping food long past when it should be eaten. I’m not sure if she just isn’t hungry or she forgets when the food was put in, but sometimes it gets really old. I tossed stuff from a couple of weeks ago. I think it is safer that way!

Anyway, that was my not very exciting day. I did work a little on my column, but I’m not finished yet. I’m getting there though.

Come back later if you like and read all about Thursday! Until tomorrow….

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