Sunday - Snowy and a bit colder
Today was an okay day. We both went to bed fairly late last night. I thought F had already gone to sleep, but he hadn’t!
This morning, he was up before me and busy for a change. He closed some kind of vents under the house. It had something to do with the tatami. I didn’t really understand it. I stayed in bed until 11 and then got up.
F came upstairs around 1 and relaxed for a bit. I did too. Around 1:30 we started thinking about lunch so I suggested going to Arpeggio. F liked the idea and then we invited his mother too. She also liked the idea, so we all bundled into the car and went to the restaurant. I sent F on ahead to check that it was open and followed with K. I kept an eye on her because last time she fell on the way back to the car.
We were the only customers in the restaurant for a while, that was nice. K had a big meal, she had ginger pork, F had the bacon-egg don and I had the sorboro. We were all quite pleased with our meals.
We came back to the house and came inside. I swept a tiny bit of snow before I went inside.
F and I spent a few hours upstairs in our room. We basically just relaxed and enjoyed ourselves. I did a bit of crochet and watched an episode of Ted Lasso from Apple TV. I really am enjoying that series. I measured my blanket and have come to a very sad conclusion. My blanket is too small. It started well, but my tension is a little tight and it has magically shrunk a few inches since the beginning. Sigh. I have a couple of options. One is to just rip it down and re-do it with a bigger hook, or I could add “wings” on each side to make it wider. I really am leaning towards ripping it back. It’s so close-textured that it isn’t soft. It goes very fast the pattern does, so I don’t think it’ll take too long to do.
Although we weren’t horrendously hungry, we decided to go out for dinner. I asked F to ask his mother, but he didn’t! She’s been in bed since lunch, so probably didn’t need dinner. Her lunch was huge!
We drove over to Cocos and had dinner. F had a new dish, a starchy fish thing over rice and I had spicy chicken jambalaya with avocado. I really liked mine. We both had drink bar since we had coupons for it.
After dinner, we went to the grocery store and bought groceries. We’re going to have curry for the next couple of nights! We’ve had a lot of curry this weekend, so I hope everyone is okay with it for dinner.
F wanted to go to an onsen when we got back, so I sent him off. I told him I’d unpack the groceries and he could go. Unfortunately, he got to the local onsen just after they called last entry, so he couldn't go in.
We relaxed for a while and then I took a shower. F took one after me. It’s been a very quiet evening really.
Tomorrow F is back to work. He says he’ll be a bit late, so I may have to have dinner with K by myself. Oh well. I really have to get stuck in on my column. I do have a list of films that I am considering, so I’ll see which ones make me happy to write about!
Come back later if you will and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….
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