April 27, 2021

Tuesday - Sunny but cool

I woke up because my alarm rang! I was tired but got up.  After a quick trip downstairs I turned on the news and watched it from the bed. I did take a bit of a nap later on, no big deal. 

When I got up, I debated doing laundry but decided not to do any. I watched a bit of TV and then some YouTube. I basically just had a quiet day today. 

F texted me around 4:30 to say that he might have to work on Thursday, which is a national holiday. That’s a bummer, and I hope he doesn’t have to. 

When F called to say he was on his way back tonight I asked him to bring us some tempura for dinner. 

I went downstairs and started to heat up the curry. I did a few dishes as well. I got dinner almost ready to go before F came back. He did bring us some tempura, poor thing had to go to three different stores to get it.  

We had dinner and it was rather nice. The curry was still good and the croquettes the F brought back were nice.  F and I had seconds on the curry and there was still a tiny bit left for K’s lunch tomorrow if she wants it. 

I did the dishes, same old podcast and Persuasion thing, then I went upstairs. I needed F to go out to get some groceries tonight for the next day or two. He really didn’t want to go but did take me. 

In the grocery store, I picked up some chicken and asked F if it was okay. He said it wasn’t, but didn’t suggest an alternative, so I put it in the basket. 

I got a few things and then we paid and came back to the house. I watched Primal Fear, a film that I haven’t seen in years. I really enjoyed seeing it again. I darned in some ends of my blanket while I was watching the movie. I got them almost done. Woot.

F went to sleep and after my movie, I watched some YouTube again. Why is it I watch the most ridiculous stuff on YouTube? I have no idea!

And that’s it for my day. Tomorrow I will try to do some laundry and finish my column. I did look at it today and edited a bit, but I have to finish writing about one of the movies. 

Come back later if you will and read about my Wednesday. Until tomorrow….

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