January 27, 2022

Thursday - Clear for the most part

I overslept this morning. I think I forgot to set my alarms last night before bed and I just slept until I woke up normally. It was odd, and sort of cool!

I got up, went downstairs and also filled up the kerosene tank from the heater. I brought the tank back and went back to bed for a little. I watched the news from overnight and then got up.

I grabbed my breakfast and also did a load of laundry. When it was finished, I brought it upstairs and hung it up. It took a while, but it was fine. I watched some news and then NHK had their Piano show on. They put a piano in random spots in Japan or the world and people play the piano and it is a lovely time filler. The cool thing about today’s one is that I’ve been to the place where the piano was, in fact, I even saw the piano while I was there! I didn’t know it was for the show though. It was nice - from my trip to Hirosaki last year. 

I went downstairs a little late to make my lunch and while I was there the doorbell rang. It was my birthday present from my sister, finally! It got caught up in customs or something…had been opened twice and resealed, but it was here. Yay.

I emailed my sister to let her know and she told me I could open it when I wanted to. She also told me that my nephew’s present, that I sent in December, hasn’t arrived yet. Sigh.

I relaxed for a bit and then F called. I went downstairs after folding my clean clothes. I always wait until the last moment. Oops.

Tonight I made pasta with a sauce that I got from the grocery store’s bargain bin. I liked it, F not so much. We had it with duck breast and salad. I also made a few onion rings in the air fryer. They were okay, but not great. 

I did the dishes afterwards and K went to bed around 8pm. Unbelievable. She was in bed most of the day too. I worry about her, I really do. I came upstairs when I finished and relaxed, F came up a bit later. 

I took a shower and then watched The Rookie which was fun. I didn’t want to turn off the TV yet so I watched a movie I’d recorded a day or two ago, Abigail Harm. It was a little magical and a little bit disturbing. Probably a good thing I found it disturbing!

And that was my day. Tomorrow F is off work and will take us to the doctor as he may work on Saturday. F will also take his mother to the doctor as well. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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