June 17, 2023

Saturday - Hot and sunny

I woke up earlyish, went downstairs and then went back to sleep. I overslept my alarms and dragged myself out of bed around noon. I was worried because F had an appointment at 2 so we needed to have lunch soon. I got up, dressed and after that went downstairs. I gave F a hand cleaning out his car as today was the trade-in day. I took a few things out of the car and so did F. He did most of the stuff, but then again, it was his stuff. 

We finally finished and got in the car. At that point, I was interrogated about where I wanted to go. When I asked F what he wanted, he of course said ramen. I pointed out that he’d had some with his mother this morning and he said he wanted more. I got out of the car at that time, grabbed my stuff and went back into the house. F drove off.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed my yogurt and cereal and went upstairs to eat. I hadn’t quite finished when F came back. He tried to give me some chocolate ice cream, but not in a nice way. I gave it back to him, also in a not-nice way. There was a bit of back and forth and then F escalated it. I ended up throwing the chocolate ice cream in the garbage. 

He left in a while to go to his dentist. It was lovely not to have him around for that. He was supposed to go to get his new car at 3 pm, so I assumed that he had gone straight from the dentist to the car place. However, he showed up back at the house around 4 pm with his old car. He had been at the dentist all the time. 

He wanted to go to the car shop but I told him that I didn’t need to go with him. He asked me to go. I did. We got most of the way there and he couldn’t find his phone. I loaned him my phone to call the car dealership and then he turned around and went back to the house. He went into the house to look for his phone, I phoned his phone and then checked the car. It was in the car. He’d hidden it in a bag. I let him know it was there and then we went off.

We went back to the dealership and F had to do a bit of signing and checking things and then F and the salesman went off and did a breakdown of the features of the car. I got to stay in the dealership. Luckily I had my phone and I did some reading. 

Finally, we were able to leave. F and I drove off and decided to get K a bento. We drove off across the city and on the way F decided that he had to go back to grab a bag that he’d left in the old car.  We went back and got it. F stopped at a closer grocery store and got a bento for K. I got a bag out of my purse for him to take in the store, but he emptied the bag on the back seat. It was full of empty bottles, and coins and they were now all over the back seat of the car. I made F go to the store by himself. 

He dropped off the bento at his house for K and then we went off for dinner. F asked me where I wanted to go, so I told him. I wanted to go for Indian food. F said he didn’t want that. I told him it was fine, I’d prefer to eat by myself anyway. He drove me to the restaurant and as I got out I asked if he’d come back to pick me up later. He said no, so I said that I had better get back in the car. He then agreed to come back. Since we didn’t know how long I’d be, I said I’d text him when I was done.

I went into the Indian restaurant and had a pretty good meal. I had some chicken and naan and some sag chicken curry. It wasn’t the best Indian food ever, but it wasn’t Japanese food and it tasted good, so I was happy. When I finished, I texted F and said I’d be in the nearby drugstore. I paid and left the restaurant. 

I saw F’s new car in the parking lot right away and then I opened the door and told him I was going to the drugstore. I asked him if he needed something and he said no. I went in, did a little shopping and then got back in the car.

F drove back to the house and we didn’t speak. I don’t think we’ve spoken all night. It’s fine with me.  I took a short nap and F went downstairs to listen to his phone. I’m very glad as the noise was horrible. After a few minutes, I got up, made a pitstop downstairs and then came back upstairs to watch CSI: Vegas. It was okay tonight. It was interesting to see that the actress from The Bold Type was playing the daughter of Catherine Willows. 

I turned off the TV when the show was over and after a bit, F came back upstairs. He went to bed and is sleeping for the most part. 

I had hoped to go to a movie today but as usual these days, F’s crap took up all the time and we couldn’t go. I doubt we’ll go tomorrow, so I might go out to the mall on Monday or another day if I can move myself. 

I don’t do well when F demands that I tell him where I want to go for lunch or dinner because I’m basically picking a place for both of us. He hates the places I want to go and I hate the places he wants to go. Since prices have been going up lately, there just aren’t a lot of good, cheap places and to be honest, I’d rather have a great lunch somewhere and a cheaper dinner. Lunches tend to be cheaper but F doesn’t see it the same way. He still believes in ¥500 ramen and thinks it is overpriced if it doesn’t cost that. 

I’m not sure what is going to happen tomorrow. If F is being an idiot again I’ll hopefully grab a bus and get out of here for a few hours or longer. I don’t deserve the treatment he’s been dealing out lately. I’ve done my darnedest to help him throughout his knee problems but I make a convenient target for his ire. I’m tired of it if I’m honest. 

That’s it for me for tonight. Until tomorrow….

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