June 16, 2023

 Friday - Rainy and cloudy, clear later on

I woke up early this morning. F’s alarm woke me up and he got up and got ready for work. However, when my alarm went off 45 minutes later, F was still in the room! He was looking for his car keys. He was tearing up his part of the room and not having any luck. I went downstairs, and a couple of minutes later I found his keys. They were on the floor next to the kotatsu in the living room. I went back upstairs and gave them to F and he left for work.

I watched the news and then I went back to bed after a bit. And….F came back in the room around 10 am. Argh! I was asleep and he was looking for something again. He is so disorganized.

I went downstairs around 11:00am with a basketful of laundry. F’s sister was visiting his mother so I waved. They had a lot of incense burning downstairs so the air was a bit heavy. I grabbed my breakfast and took it upstairs to eat.

A while later, I went down and grabbed my clean laundry and put in another small load. I came back upstairs to hang up my clothes. 

After the laundry was done and hung, I relaxed for a bit and then went downstairs to get my lunch. It was a smaller one today, but still nice. After watching the news broadcasts, I put on The Handmaid’s Tale and watched that. It was interesting. During The Handmaid’s Tale, I folded up my clean laundry and put it away and I made the bed! Well, almost. F had so much junk by his bed that I couldn’t pop the fitted sheet over his corner of the bed. So, I made ¾ of the bed! I put away the quilt cover for now because neither of us is using a quilt at the moment. It’s too warm.

I went downstairs around 6 pm and got a start on dinner. I knew that F would be late and so I planned to make a simple pasta dinner for K and I. I cooked. I made pasta, I cooked the leftover veggies from last night and I opened up a bag of celery pickles. When I was nearly ready, I put things on the table and got ready for dinner. And then, F phoned to say he was on his way. He said he would be late! 7:30 or so isn’t that late!

K and I ate and I had basically cleared the table before he got back. He wanted to eat the leftovers so I put them on a plate for him. It was a touch annoying because I had hoped to keep them for my lunch on Monday (or K’s lunch on the weekend).  Oh well. I thought he’d be wanting ramen or something and would make it himself. Nope.

I did the dishes and then basically just went upstairs. I didn’t even say goodbye to F. I watched some YouTube and he came up a bit later. 

I took a shower and after that, I watched an episode of Ted Lasso, which I enjoyed. The show seems quite different this season.

F did fix his side of the sheet which is great, but now I’m worried that he’ll spill some food or otherwise muck up the sheet! I have to get over that though. 

Well, that’s it for me for today. I’m not completely sure how things are going to go tomorrow. We should be able to pick up the new car and also F has a couple of appointments, so that’s fun. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow…

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