June 18, 2023

Sunday - Rainy and humid, clearer at night

I was very upset when I went to bed last night and also when I woke up this morning. I got up around 11, went downstairs and then came back upstairs. I didn’t see anyone downstairs, but the car was still in the drive. I checked the net for a while and a little before 1 F came in the room. He was on the bed napping and I decided that I needed a nap too. I went over to the bed and while I was resting F talked to me. He said to me, “I’m going to ask you about one place for lunch, just say yes or no.” Then, he suggested the yakiniku restaurant in Amarume. They are actually going to close this month, so I was hoping to go there again before they closed. I said, "Yes, that would be nice.” I changed quickly and we were on the road fairly soon. 

It was nice to be able to drive a distance in the new car. It gave me a chance to appreciate the difference and see the good points of it. The new car is much more comfortable than the little Vitz that F used to have. We drove to Amarume and just sneaked in at the last order. The waiter couldn’t even give us time to look at the menu! We just ordered and the food came out very soon.

The meal was very nice. I had the Korean set and F had the special set. We swapped a bit of meat and my veggies, it was all good. We left a few minutes late, but they didn’t seem too upset. I wanted to go over to the farmer’s market section. I did. I picked up a few veggies for the next few days. F wanted some cake so we got that too.

We went back to Tsuruoka and did our grocery shopping. I did anyway. I’m only shopping for tomorrow since F has Tuesday off. I picked up a few extras though as I’m trying to stock up so that I have goods on hand. 

We hit up the gas station as well so that F could fill up the car. He hadn’t done it yesterday. After that, we drove back to the house. I put the groceries away and went upstairs for a break. 

F and I left again around 5 pm. We drove out to the mall in Mikawa and went to see The Flash. I enjoyed it, but F didn’t quite as much. He isn’t as into the comic book movies though. 

We drove back to Tsuruoka via a drugstore. F needed a new cane as he’d misplaced his other one. Happily, we found one at the drugstore. It was a little pricy, but it is a folding cane, so that makes it handy for him I think.

We had dinner on the way into the city. We went to Coco Ichibanya and it was nice. F had a curry with tonkatsu, and I had a chicken and vegetable curry. I liked it a lot.

We came back to the house after our meal and K had turned off the outside lights on us. I don’t know why she does that. We came into the house and I went upstairs. We had a relaxing evening. F is back to work tomorrow, and he has a health check in the morning, so he can’t even eat the onigiri that I bought for him. He hadn’t told me that he was having a health check, I wouldn’t have bought him the rice balls if I had known. He ate them tonight!

Things are better with F and I tonight, but I am still feeling a bit fragile. Hopefully, this week will go okay. It’s going to be very stressful I think. 

Anyway, that’s my update. It was a much better day than I expected. Come back later and find out about my Monday. Until tomorrow….

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