July 17, 2023

Monday - Marine Day - Sunny and humid

I went to bed a tad early last night, an hour early for me. Wow.  I managed to sleep fairly well and fairly soon last night as well. I had set my alarm for 10 something today, I woke up but didn’t really get up.  It took rather a long time before either of us roused ourselves. 

Finally, we went out. F had made his mother something for brunch and then we went out. He wanted to have some noodles and I’m afraid I said no. Later on, I almost wished I’d said yes, but it was too late! All the noodle places were closed.

We ended up at Kappa Sushi. We had an okay, but not terrific lunch. Some of the food was quite nice, but as always we ordered too much deep-fried food. I didn’t order fries though. Yay me.

After lunch, we went to the large-size shop in Tsuruoka and I got some new pants. I’ve worn out one of my pair of pants, so I really need new ones. Plus, my new pants are a bit lighter material so better for summer anyway. I got two pairs of pants and a pair of denim shorts. Yay me. I had to have them shortened so we had to spend about an hour nearby to pick them up afterwards. 

We started out in Mos Burger and had a drink there. I had an iced tea and F had a coffee milkshake. He said it wasn’t strong enough. 

After our drinks, we went to the grocery store across the street from Mos Burger. I went in and grabbed a bento for K’s dinner and a couple of onigiri for F’s breakfast. I paid and then went back to the car. F drove us back to the house and we both went in. We put the bento in the kitchen for his mother to eat when she wanted to, I took the other food upstairs. I can’t leave food in the kitchen or K will eat it too early. 

F and I got back in the car and went out to Mikawa Mall. We went to see Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. For me, it was seeing it again, but F hadn’t seen it of course. I got the tickets and then got in line for popcorn while I sent F off to get seated. It’s still hard for him to stand, and I could buy the popcorn, so no worries.

I bought the popcorn and drinks, brought them to our seats and then went to the washroom. Happily for me, the washroom was close by as I was a tad late getting in. There was a long line at the concession stand.

The movie was fun, even the second time around. F seemed to enjoy it as well. After the movie, F asked if I wanted to have dinner…of course. I told him that the places in the mall were in the process of closing so we wouldn’t be able to eat there. On the way in, we noticed that one of the restaurants I often go to when I have a day at the mall has now closed. Oh no! All the places that I like have gone. 

On the escalator down he mentioned a restaurant in Sakata and said that he’d like to go there. I said it was fine, but a little expensive. He wanted to go.

We drove out to Sakata and went to Steak Miya. We were seated right away…we had about an hour before the restaurant closed. We had the same main dish. We had a cut steak, F had his with rice and drink bar, and I had mine with bread and the “full set”. That was drink bar, salad bar and soup bar, plus bread. We had a nice meal. It was a little bit pricey, but honestly, not that bad at all.

When we finished, we drove back to Tsuruoka and came back to the house. F had asked if I wanted to go to the grocery store, but I said I didn’t. Most of them were already closed anyway! I’ll have to go tomorrow to get something for our dinner anyway.

We’ve had a quiet night in so far. I haven’t watched any TV but I have watched quite a bit of YouTube.

F has his first Rehabili as they call it here tomorrow morning. He asked me to come, but since it is in the hospital and it isn’t officially open for visitors until the afternoon, I said I had better not. I asked him to ask the therapist if it is okay for another time. 

Well, that’s it for me. Today was a good day, but it was sweltering outside. It’s sweltering inside too if I’m honest. F was the one that turned on the AC tonight!

Anyway, as always, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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