July 16, 2023

Sunday - Cloudy and humid

I went to bed a little late last night but it was so hot. I couldn’t sleep. F couldn’t sleep either and kept waking up because his knee hurt. Around 6 am I woke up and went downstairs. I hadn’t slept much at all. I tried to go to sleep and finally managed. I ended up sleeping until around 10 am. It was hard to stay awake. I dozed in bed until after 11. 

I got up, checked my email and computer and then F went downstairs and made something for his mother’s lunch. When he came back, I asked if he still wanted to go out and he did. We went to the Grand El Sun. They were having a special lunch today, so we had that. F had the fish lunch, and I had the roasted pork. They had a salad bar today and also a drink bar, so I kept F and I plied with drinks and food.

Lunch was very nice and we enjoyed it. We were promised dessert, but it didn’t come for ages! Finally, it arrived and we were able to leave. We popped back to the house to pick up F’s cane and then we went to his car dealership. He had a drink holder installed in his car and then paid for it. When we finished, I suggested getting a bento for K’s dinner, but F countered with a drink at Komeda Coffee.  We went there and had caffeineless iced coffee. The waiter who brought it to us was all mixed up though. He said that one cup was pre-sweetened which it wasn’t! We left after a while. F wasn’t feeling that great.

We went to the nearby grocery store and I went in and picked up bentos for all of us. While I was in there I ran into F’s niece and we had a little chat. She speaks English, so we did have a chat. It was nice to see her. 

We came back to the house. I left the bentos on the table and then came upstairs. I wasn’t ready for dinner yet.

Around 7 pm I went downstairs again and heated up K’s bento for her. Then I did F’s and mine, plus the takoyaki that I had bought. I brought our bentos upstairs and F and I had a little feast. It was pretty good actually. F had a meat bento and I had a fish one! F did give me some of his as it was quite big and mine was quite small. 

During the evening, I watched last week’s episodes of The Handmaid’s Tale. They were pretty good and I guess I have to wait until next season to see what happens. I really hope it finishes soon as I’m wanting it to be over!

I recorded a movie tonight but wasn’t able to watch it too. That’s okay, hopefully soon.

I took a shower and was really glad. I often wait until Monday night, but I was feeling that I really needed it tonight.

And that’s about it for me. Not too sure what we’re going to get up to tomorrow. A lot of it depends on how F is and how his knee holds up. I can’t really ask him to do a lot of shopping at the moment as he is in a lot of pain.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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