July 18, 2023

 Tuesday - Hot, humid and rainy

I woke up this morning around 7:45 when my alarm went off. I still like to wake up to watch the BBC news segment. I watched it and then watched the rest of the broadcast even though it wasn’t in English! F was getting up and getting ready to go to the hospital and have his rehabilitation session. Last night he really wanted me to come with him. I didn’t think that they wanted me there. The hospital doesn’t open for visitors until the afternoon and there is still the dread lurgy around. Since it was such a big deal to him I compromised a little. I told him to go alone this time and to ask if it was okay that I come another time. He was okay with that and left. I went back to sleep for a little. 

F called when he was finished and then came back to the house. He said that I couldn't go with him another time. It was so hot in the room, it was already 30 degrees at 11:00. Argh. Too hot for me. We turned on the AC. 

I got up and had my very delayed breakfast. It was good to have some yogurt again, even though it was a little past the date and was rather sour.

F wanted to have a massage so he kept bugging me to see when he should have it. I didn’t care if I’m honest, so he ended up booking in the afternoon at 3:45.  He wanted to go for lunch, but I had just had breakfast and you know that I didn’t want to eat yet. 

A bit later, after I got dressed I suggested going somewhere I could get something small or a salad or similar. I suggested going over to Cocos, so F went along with me. We went to the restaurant. They’ve changed up the entry system now. We have to do it by computer at the door. Weird!

I had a nice meal at Cocos. For lunch, they had a chicken and nut salad and it was really nice. It had some baguette slices and olive oil with it. I enjoyed it a lot. F had a burger and croquette and he didn’t like it much. I was sad about that. I kept us plied with soup and drink bar.

We left and came back to the house. F took a quick shower and then we left again. He dropped me off at the Mina shopping area and I went shopping. I visited the hundred yen shop and got a new string for my glasses, then I visited the drugstore. I got a couple of things there and then hit up the grocery store. I knew that F would still be having his massage, so I had an iced coffee from the cake shop and relaxed for a while. 

When F was just about out of time there, I grabbed a cart and a basket and started to get some groceries. F called a couple of times and we played phone tag. I told him where I was and we met up. I suggested that he have a drink at the seating area and I’d finish up shopping. Oh, and I got some money from him!

I picked up some other things and then came over to where F was. We went back to the car and then back to the house.

I only had a scant few minutes before I had to cook dinner so I put away the groceries and went upstairs to get changed. It was so hot and humid!

When I came downstairs, I went into the living room and turned on the air conditioner. I’m not sure if K was too impressed, but I didn’t care that much. I was so hot and sweaty.

I got busy. Tonight I made cucumber pickle and roasted tandori chicken, I roasted some veggies in the air fryer and we had some salad and mini-tomatoes too. There were some gyoza that I got at the store as well. Dinner was quite good and I think we all enjoyed it. F just left the table and didn’t come back, which was a bit sad really. 

I cleared the table and did the dishes. I got them done, but I was soaking wet when I finished, even with the air conditioner on. I went upstairs and relaxed for a bit. After 10 I went downstairs and took a shower.

I came upstairs to watch Resident Alien and did that. It was fun. I enjoyed it tonight. The Walking Dead has just started again, so I recorded both episodes tonight. I didn’t have time or energy to watch them tonight. It’s a scary show to watch late at night. 

And that’s about where I am now. It was a long day and a hot one. I hope it cools down soonish. I’m tired of being hot all the time. 

Come back later if you like and find out what I get up to tomorrow. I have no idea what will happen. Until tomorrow….

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