August 2, 2023

 Wednesday - Hot and Sunny, muggy

Today was a pretty nothing day. Not much happened around here and we didn’t go anywhere.

I woke up early again to watch the BBC news and then I went back to sleep again. F said that he was feeling dizzy. He was supposed to cook breakfast for his mother but didn’t, so I took the breakfast I bought for her for tomorrow down to the kitchen for her. I brought him a sports drink in case he was dehydrated. 

I went back to sleep after the news. My alarm went off at 10 but I pretty much ignored it. I didn’t really wake up until the afternoon. F went downstairs and made his mother the ramen that he was supposed to make for her breakfast. Unfortunately, I had bought her stuff for lunch today so I was a little bit ticked at him. We were supposed to go out for our lunch. 

I ended up having a late breakfast and no lunch today. I never left the house. What a wasted day.

I had a quiet day and didn’t get a whole lot of anything done. I had hoped to do karaoke and lunch with F, but he wasn’t up for it, sad to say.

I went downstairs around 6 pm and got started on dinner. I didn’t really “cook” tonight, it was just too hot for that. I did burgers from the store that were microwaved. We had them with salad, cucumber pickle, cucumber and zucchini sticks with hummus and bibinba rice. It was really nice. F didn’t eat very much, he still didn’t feel that well. I know I didn’t “cook” but I did quite a bit of prep and it is rather disheartening when he doesn’t eat much. 

I did the dishes afterwards. It wasn’t too bad as there weren’t any pots and pans tonight! When the dishes were done, I did up the garbage and even cleaned the fridge out a bit. It felt good to make a bit of room in there. 

I put the garbage bag in the genkan and went upstairs to change and see F. He asked if I wanted to go out and I told him rather honestly that I didn’t want to go out. I was only going out to get him and his mother something for breakfast. He said that he’d make breakfast tomorrow so I said we didn’t have to go out. Whew. 

A little after 10 I went downstairs and took a shower. I came back upstairs and watched Grey’s Anatomy. It was quite a good one, with lots of fighting and a lot of young interns. The TV went off after the show finished. 

I’ve been watching YouTube and getting ready to blog ever since. I’m not sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. I hope that F is feeling better and is able to go out. I really don’t like spending too much time at the house unless I have something to do. I do, I have to write my column, which I have already begun to prepare. 

So, that’s it for me for today, come back later if you like and hear if I have anything more interesting happen! Until tomorrow….

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