August 1, 2023

Tuesday - Hot and Sunny, a bit muggy

Today wasn’t bad after all. I had a good day I’d say.

I woke up at my usual time and turned on the TV. The DVR still didn’t work, so I had to watch the news through the TV. Not a big problem, at least for now.  F got up a bit after I did. He got dressed and then left to go to the hospital. He came back a few minutes later. Apparently, he didn’t have physiotherapy today, it was on Friday. He had been told, he just forgot!

He booked a massage for himself and I stayed in bed for a while. However, I finally dragged myself out of bed and took some shirts downstairs to wash. I started the washing machine and then grabbed my breakfast. I came back upstairs to eat.

I got my clothes hung up in the room before F came back so I considered that a win. I was also dressed so yay me.  AND, I went over to the DVR and unplugged it and then plugged it back in to the surge protector in a different slot. It worked! Well, it worked as much as it ever does….

When F came back he asked if I wanted to have lunch and I said okay. I suggested F’s favourite place, but when we got there it was closed. He suggested Jiro, so we went there. It was busy, so it took a little while to get our order in, but since we ordered off the lunch menu it didn’t take too long. The food was good and when we finished, we paid and left. I had a finished point card so we ended up getting a 500 yen discount, so that was nice.

We hit up a drugstore next as we needed washrooms and then bought a few things. We headed back to the house after that.

We spent the afternoon here. I watched some YouTube and when F and I talked about dinner he suggested ordering some sushi in. I was fine with that, so we looked at the website and I made a suggestion. F liked it so he made an order. The website said it would be delivered between 7:30 and 8 pm. Great!

F went downstairs around 7:00 pm and I went downstairs a bit after I heard the delivery. F had very nicely put the bento boxes on the table and that’s about where he stopped. He hadn’t boiled the kettle for the soup, he hadn’t got the soup bowls out, and he hadn’t put out drinks. Guess who got to do that. Yup. Me. Still, dinner was very nice! F’s friend works for the sushi delivery company and he sent us dessert with our meal too. That was very nice of him. 

After dinner, I got to clean up so I washed the dishes and listened to my podcasts. I enjoyed that.

I went upstairs and got dressed to go out again. A little later, F and I drove over to MaxValu. We both went into the store, but F only stayed for a few minutes to pick up things that I wouldn’t buy like bananas and ramen noodles. He returned to the car and I did the rest of the shopping. 

We came back to the house and I put the groceries away, well, except for the bananas. Yuck. I came upstairs and after a little while, watched Resident Alien. It was really funny again. I turned the TV to the Fire Stick after it was over and listened to some music while the DVR recorded The Walking Dead for me. 

And that’s about it for me. I’m not sure what we’re going to get up to tomorrow. F says he’s going to make ramen for his and K’s breakfast…good for him. After that, I’m not sure what will happen. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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