August 3, 2023

Thursday - Hot and sunny

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off and  then I went downstairs. I came back to the room and watched the news. I turned off the TV when the BBC segment was over and slept a bit longer. F got up and went downstairs and made his mother some breakfast. I went downstairs too and grabbed my breakfast, came upstairs and ate it. 

When F came upstairs he asked if I’d like to go out tonight and see some fireworks at Yunohama. Of course I said yes! He suggested that we go to karaoke today, to do what I had wanted to do yesterday. Of course I was very happy to do that.

We went off to one of the karaoke boxes and I made F look at the menu at the door. We were planning to have their lunch course, so we had to order one lunch dish each.  I had an Ishigaki bibinba and F had a pork dish on rice with udon on the side. My meal wasn’t the greatest, but it was fine. We sang for 3 hours, well, I did. F got a little tired at the end. We left and three hours of karaoke plus lunch and drink bar for two people came to less than ¥3000 which I think is pretty darn good. 

After we left the karaoke box, I went to the post office and deposited some of my coins. I’m twisting F’s arm to make him take me to the post office to make small deposits of the coins I’ve collected over the years. They’ll only take 50 coins for free per day. My problem has always been that I can’t get to the post offices easily. Well, F has been off work for a few weeks so I might as well take advantage of him!

We hit up a grocery store soon after this and I got a few things for F’s breakfast and K’s lunch for tomorrow. We ended up coming back to the house for a few hours. F and I were upstairs in the cool, K did use the AC downstairs after F made her!

Around 7 pm I went downstairs and gave K the bento I had bought her. It was a big one, and a good one I think. It was salmon and had a big fried shrimp too. She seemed happy to see it!

At 7:30, F and I drove out to Yunohama to see the fireworks. They didn’t start until 8:30, but we knew that parking would be hard to find. F found a place and we waited. The funny thing was the GPS system in the car was really bright, so we covered it with towels, which is all we had. However, they were white towels, so the light wasn’t completely blocked. When the fireworks started, F turned off the car of course and we watched. They only lasted a few minutes, but it was very nice to see them. We won’t be able to go to Tsuruoka’s big fireworks this year as F can’t walk that far, but hopefully we can watch from the window.

We talked about dinner and I suggested either going to Gusto for drink bar or the new gyudon shop for not gyudon! F chose the new gyudon place which was honestly, fine with me. We went and discovered that it was basically two restaurants in one. You could have gyudon or tonkatsu or fried chicken. I had fried chicken with miso soup and rice and cabbage. It was really good. F had a katsudon and his looked really good too. Dinner for two was less than 1500yen, which is pretty awesome and it really wasn’t bad at all. 

We came back to the house after dinner and had a quiet evening in. F took a shower and I watched The Rookie and also a couple of programmes from my Fire Stick. 

And now you are basically up to date with me. Tomorrow we have a couple of things planned, F has physiotherapy in the morning and we’re meeting an insurance guy in the afternoon. After that, I’m not sure what will happen. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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