October 30, 2023

Monday - Cool but sunny

I went to bed a bit early last night, but F wasn’t able to sleep. I think he was worried about going to work on Monday.

I woke up this morning when F was getting ready for work. Yeah, he woke me up, but I understood. He got ready and left for work. I spent a few minutes looking at my phone and then went back to sleep.

When I got up later I got dressed and grabbed my breakfast. After I ate, I decided to tackle my room. I managed to put away my large suitcase (yay) and then I cleared the area around the kerosene heater in my part of the room. I’m throwing out a couple of bags of clothes that have been wrapped up for years, but no worries. I don’t need them anymore. 

It took a while, but I got it done. Yay. I relaxed and watched Dark Shadows again. It was on cable this morning. It had such potential, but turned out so badly. Eva Green was fabulous as ever, but the film overall wasn’t great.

I grabbed my lunch around 1:45. I noticed that K hadn’t eaten her lunch so I tried to give her some but she didn’t seem to want very much. Oh well.

I went upstairs to eat and watch the news. I had a fairly quiet rest of the day. However, just before 5 p.m., K started calling me downstairs. Okay? I went down and she was all worried about something. I had no idea what she was on about. She had crap spread all over the living room table and kept asking me about F. I told her that he was at work and then I came back upstairs.

I went downstairs around 5:30 to get a start on dinner. F had called me to say that he was on his way. Tonight I just did a simple dinner because I haven’t cooked properly in months! K had another go at me to find out where F was and what he was doing. Er…he’s on his way back to the house, but he’s stopping to pick up some stuff. She didn’t understand so I just got on with my work!

Tonight I made bibinba rice, toaster oven chicken, a broccoli/cauliflower/Romanesque mix, salad, and I opened a packet of potato salad. I didn’t want to start cooking until F got back, so I did my prep. 

Finally, he came back and talked to K. Her laundry rack had broken and she was upset about that. Honestly…I had no idea what she was so worried about.

I got on with dinner and in a little while we were ready to eat. It was the first meal that all of us had together at our new table. It was so nice for me not to have to sit on the floor. I think F got the table and chairs because I told him I wasn’t going to sit on the floor anymore. Honestly, I’m not a spring chicken anymore and I resented having to sit at a table that came up to my chest because I didn’t have a cushion to sit on. 

After dinner was finished, I washed the dishes and put them away. I listened to a couple of podcasts and enjoyed them. I was finished by 8 pm which made me quite happy!

I came upstairs and relaxed in front of my computer. I watched a little YouTube. F had gone to bed and was resting. Around 10:15 or so I went downstairs and took a shower. I also filled up the kerosene tank in the heater in our room. Yay me.

When I came back, F was up on his phone so I asked if he’d mind if I watched some TV. He said no, so I put on WOWOW on Demand and watched the first episode of Three Pines, the detective show based on Louise Penny’s novels. I really enjoyed it. It was just part one, so I don’t know whodunnit yet, but it looks very Canadian! The lead actor is Alfred Molina and he does a pretty good job of it. I also appreciated the subplot of a missing indigenous woman in Canada and even the residential school situation got a nod. I’ll have to try and watch the next part soon.

I turned off the TV when the show finished and then got on with my evening wrap-up. F has gone back to bed and may be sleeping, I have to get moving soon. 

That’s about it for me. I’m not sure what I’m going to do tomorrow, but I think I should do some laundry and I need to think about getting ready for my convention in a couple of weeks. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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