October 29, 2023

Sunday - rainy and cloudy and cold

I slept in today on purpose but woke up a couple of times in the morning. F got up fairly early and made breakfast for his mother. He’s a good guy.

After I got up, I waited for F to come back and talk about lunch. However, he didn’t come back to the room until 2 p.m. I assumed that he’d eaten with his mother, but he hadn’t. When he did come upstairs, I suggested that he drop me off at the Indian restaurant and then he go off and get his hair cut. He didn’t seem too happy at my suggestion. It turned out that he’d been outside doing some work on the tires. Oh dear. 

Well, we went out for lunch and he dropped me off at the Indian restaurant. I went in and he went off and had ramen somewhere. At least we both got what we wanted. My food was only okay. I ordered my curry to be a medium and it was a very mild mild. It was a bit disappointing. The naan and the salad were good at least. 

After my meal, I went over to the drugstore across the parking lot and picked up a few things. I had texted F that I was going there, so he joined me for a minute and put something in my basket. I paid a few minutes later and went out to the car. 

We did some grocery shopping next, well, I did anyway. I think I’ll be back to cooking dinner tomorrow night so I needed stuff for dinner and something for K’s dinner and lunch tomorrow. I bought groceries and then came back to the car.

We came back to the house and relaxed for a bit. I gave K her bento and she seemed to be happy. I came upstairs and watched YouTube for a bit. F wanted to go for dinner early, but it was too early for me. We waited until a little after 7 p.m. and then went out.

We made a quick stop at Yamaya to pick up some stuff and then went to Cocos. F had fried oysters and I had a hamburger with a baked potato. We shared their Halloween dessert and it was really nice. It wasn’t that rich or anything so it was quite light. 

The "o-bakke" dessert...for Halloween

We came back to the house after dinner and relaxed some more. F took a shower and got ready for work tomorrow. Yep, he’s back to work tomorrow. 

And really, that’s it for today for me. However, I just wanted to mention that Matthew Perry died today. I found out, as I often do, via Facebook. He was always my favourite “Friend”. I’ve watched him in a few movies and enjoyed his performances, I booed him on The Good Wife. It’s sad he had so many personal problems. 

Until tomorrow….

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