October 31, 2023

Tuesday - Sunny and warm

I woke up around 8:00 a.m. this morning. F had already left for work, so that was nice. He didn’t wake me up today.

I snoozed a bit longer but eventually got up. The news I planned on watching wasn’t on again. I had a quiet morning. I had thought about doing laundry but didn’t. I hope to do some tomorrow. Let’s hope.

I had a quiet afternoon too. I finally caught up with some news at 2 p.m., and then watched an episode of CSI: Las Vegas from the DVR. It was okay. I was glad to get it off the DVR. 

F called me to say he was on his way back to the house so I went downstairs and got a start on dinner. Tonight I made a pork stir-fry and it was pretty good. I enjoyed it anyway. We had it with rice and a salad. K spilled her drink, luckily I hadn’t put too much in her glass. 

After dinner, I cleared the table, put the food away and then did the dishes. I listened to my podcasts again and enjoyed them. I finished, bid K a good night, and then went upstairs. I relaxed for a little while and then F and I got ready to go out.

We went to the grocery store Mina and I got some food for the next couple of days. When I finished there, I dumped the food in the car and then headed into the drugstore next to the market. I needed some detergent for my clothes. I got it and then picked up a few things for myself and K. 

I was a tad surprised when I left the drugstore that F hadn’t moved the car closer. He usually is really nice about doing that. No worries. 

When we got back to the house, I took out the two heavy bags of shopping and the box of tissues for K and bumped up to the door. F did open the door, but then he stormed into the house. As I struggled to get into the door and then close it and lock the door, I said, “That’s okay, I don’t need any help!” To do him credit, he did turn around and I gave him the big box of tissues to put away for his mother. Honestly though…I feel like I live with some oblivious idiot at times. He just never helps me anymore. 

I put the groceries away and headed upstairs. I watched a lot of YouTube and then put on FBI: International and watched that. It was okay. I turned off the TV at midnight and have been working on my blogging!

I’m not sure what I’m going to get up to tomorrow. I hope to do some laundry, so that should be exciting! Anyway, I’m out of here.  Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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