December 15, 2023

Friday - Rainy, cloudy and cool

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off around 9 am. Hurray! I haven’t slept through the night in a while. I got up and went downstairs and then came back and tried to go back to bed for a bit. I didn’t really manage to fall back asleep, but it was nice to rest. 

I got up and watched the news and then a bit later, went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast. The odd thing was that today K wasn’t present. She seemed to have spent the whole day in bed again. She was up on Wednesday and Thursday, all day, I was rather proud of her, but today she wasn’t around.

I grabbed my lunch a bit after 2pm and brought it upstairs. Today I had the last of my curry and a bit of my pasta from last night. That was nice! Plus, I had a bagel. I watched an episode of The Closer and enjoyed that too. 

I watched the news at 4pm and then turned off the TV. I watched a bit of YouTube too. F called at 5:15 and said that he’d finished work and would be on his way back right away. He also would stop and get up some bentos as well. 

I went downstairs with my dishes around 5:45 and washed them. I put a few things out on the table and then when F came in I heated up the bentos and brought them out to the living room. F got K out of bed and we all ate our bentos together. When we finished, I washed all the bento boxes and the glasses and such. I went upstairs to change my top and then F and I left.

We drove out to Mikawa and went to see Wish. They were actually showing it in English, which is really surprising for an animated family movie. However, they aren’t showing it on Saturday night, so it was either tonight or Sunday night. F works Monday again, so Sunday wasn’t an option, tomorrow he can relax a bit. 

We both enjoyed the movie. There was a dubbed film before the movie started with many of the characters from Disney films. F was a bit upset on my behalf, but to be honest, it didn’t matter. I knew a lot of the characters and got the gist of what was happening. Wish was good. The songs were fine and it was quite fun having Chris Pine as the King/Magician. 

We came back to Tsuruoka after the movie. I had suggested that we go to Don Quihote, but F didn’t want to tonight. Oh well. We came back and on the way to the house F suggested going to a convenience store and I was happy. I ended up getting some yaki udon and F got some chips or something. 

We had a quiet evening in. Well, except for F’s cough. Ever since he had COVID, he’s had a bad cough. I’m twisting his arm to go to the doctor again tomorrow. He needs some medicine. The poor thing coughed all night after we got back. Well, at the movie too. 

Anyway, that’s it for me. I’m not sure what I’m going to get up to tomorrow. If F goes to the doctor, I may have the morning to myself. I may just sleep. I’ll probably sleep!!

Oh, and today’s tea. Hmm. It was Earl Grey Decaffeinated. It was fine, I drank it tonight. I’ve been avoiding Earl Grey for ages as I seem to have a bit of an allergy to it, so I hope there isn’t too much more in the calendar. 

Until tomorrow….

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