December 16, 2023

Saturday - Rainy and windy

I slept fairly late this morning. I went downstairs and then came back and went back to sleep. Yay. F got up and went to the doctor…good for him!

I dragged myself out of bed this morning and got dressed. I waited for F to come back, but honestly, he hid downstairs for a while. He wasn’t really hiding, he made his mother breakfast, but I didn’t know he was already back until I went downstairs for a minute!

I opened my Tea Advent Calendar this morning and had a couple of cups of tea from it. My tea de jour was Golden Assam. I love Assam tea and am actually drinking it in the mornings these days. The Twinings version was pretty good and I would buy it if I ever saw it!

I had no idea what the "den" was for!

I love Assam tea!

F wanted to go out, but I had just poured myself my first tea, so I offered him a hot drink instead! He had some coffee. 

We went out for lunch. I had suggested something cheap and cheerful, we got something expensive instead. I suggested going to a keiten sushi place, thinking we’d go somewhere cheap, but we ended up at an expensive place. The fish was great, but I felt so cowed by how expensive it was. F kept ordering things and I kept saying no! We did have a nice meal, but it definitely wasn’t cheap!

After our meal, we went to the nearby sushi shop to order our New Years Day lunch, then we did a bit of driving around.  F wanted to do some shopping. I did too, but I wasn’t listened to! F wanted to check out his favourite hardware shop but we made a quick pitstop at the Electric Shop first. Then, we went to the hardware shop. F didn’t find what he wanted. We went to another hardware shop and while we were there, F realized that he didn’t have his phone. Oh no. Not this again. He thought maybe he left it at the Electric Shop, but he didn’t. We had to retrace our steps as he did have it at the sushi restaurant. 

I got him to call the sushi restaurant rather than driving all over town, so I wanted to save some time. F’s phone had been turned in. Whew. It had been found outside! We don’t know if it fell out of his pocket or if he dropped it, or what. Anyway, we picked it up and it still works, so that’s good. We were a bit worried that it had been run over or was in a puddle. 

I asked that we go and have a drink, so we went over to McDonalds and had a couple of frappes. After our little break, we went to the grocery store, well, I did, and got a bento for K’s dinner. 

We came back to the house and I let F take care of his mother. He heated up the bento for her and gave it to her. I was upstairs relaxing!

We both relaxed for a while, and then I insisted that we go out for dinner. F wouldn’t think of a place of course so I suggested Cocos. We went there and I had a good meal. F didn’t like his again, but that often happens. He orders the wrong stuff at places!

We came back to the house and I took a shower. After that, I watched Criminal Minds Evolution. It was interesting today, as it often is. Penelope Garcia could be getting herself in trouble with this new fella! I channel surfed afterwards and found the end of Dungeons and Dragons and watched that. It was fun and I enjoyed it.

And that’s about it for my day. I have no idea what we’re going to do tomorrow. F has scheduled himself a massage for the morning, after that, I’m not sure. I really need to go out and get some groceries, both for next week and for Christmas day. Wish me luck with that!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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