December 14, 2023

Thursday - Cloudy and cool

This morning I woke up even earlier than I had done the last couple of mornings and went downstairs. I returned to the room, went back to bed and a few minutes later, F got up and went downstairs. I fell asleep around then so I’m afraid I didn’t hear F leave for work!

I woke up a bit later, got dressed and then spent a bit of time on my computer. I was watching the news and was going to go and get my breakfast when I heard the doorbell. It was F’s sister. By the time I got downstairs, she’d let herself into the house. That annoys me, but since it isn’t my house I don’t get to care. I said hello and then went and got my breakfast.  I think F’s sister took K out for a couple of hours. 

I had a quiet morning and afternoon again. I set the DVR to record a couple of movies, I tried to take a nap but didn’t. I went downstairs and grabbed my lunch a bit later. 

Lunch today was a mixture. I had a bit of curry and my usual cheese toast and chicken on the toast. It was rather nice. I watched an episode of NCIS: LA today and it was nice. I got quite a few seasons watched before the powers that be took away D-Life. I’m not sure how much I’ll watch if I’ll skip to nearer where I was before in the show or not. Maybe.

I went downstairs around 5:30 and F called me when I was on the stairs. My hands were full so I couldn’t answer him right away. Oops. We did connect after a few minutes though.

Tonight I made pasta with a bought sauce. However, the pasta was orecchiette, the first time I’ve made that, and the sauce was doctored by me. It was a mushroom and salmon one. I added a lot of cooked mushrooms to it. It was okay, but a bit bland in my opinion. Dinner was fine. I think the different pasta was appreciated. I served it with a side salad and some sausages. 

I did the dishes afterwards. I got done quite quickly which pleased me as we needed to go out. I told F that I would be ready to go soon and I was. However, he wasn’t! We didn’t leave here until 9:30 and the store closes at 10:00. Yikes. Still, I managed to get the things that I wanted, so that was good.

We came back to the house and I put away the few groceries I bought. I came upstairs and watched The Great British Sewing Bee, which I just discovered was on again tonight. Woot. I really enjoy it. 

I watched The Rookie at 11pm and then turned off the TV after that. It was a decent show tonight. 

F and I chatted a little bit tonight. He’s talking about my birthday present already and I’m a little curious. He’s got an interesting idea for it and I might just take him up on it. 

Tomorrow evening, we are planning to go to a movie. For some reason, they are showing a movie on Friday night and Sunday night, but not Saturday night. That makes no sense to me! I think they are having a special show on Saturday night, which might explain it. F is going to pick up bentos for us on his way back to the house and we’ll eat those before we leave for the mall. 

The weather is supposed to tank this weekend. We may even have snow. I’m not looking forward to that, but it has been unseasonably warm so we are probably due for some cold weather. 

Oh, and today’s Tea Advent Calendar? I got a Peach Earl Grey. It wasn’t something that I would ever want to have again. I like peach flavour, but it didn’t mesh well with the Earl Grey in my opinion. Sigh. Oh well, maybe the next one will be better. 

It wasn't uplifting. It wasn't that great. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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