December 18, 2023

 Monday - Snowy, windy and cold

I woke up early this morning, just before F had to get up for work. I went downstairs and then came back upstairs and then went back to bed and slept a bit longer. By a bit, I meant a lot!

I finally got up and went downstairs to get breakfast. I found a couple of envelopes for me in the mail slot, and a couple for F’s. I brought them all upstairs. Mine were nice, cards from my niece and a person in my women’s group. 

After breakfast, I got really sleepy, so I took a bit of a nap. I should have done laundry or gone out and shovelled snow, but I didn’t. Sigh. 

I grabbed lunch around 2 pm. While I was downstairs, I heard K in the living room so I gave her a little bit of lunch too. We had leftovers from last week. It wasn’t too exciting, but it was warm and decent, I had the same thing too, so it was fine.

I came upstairs, watched a bit of news and watched a bit of Trumbo that was on NHK today. I wish I’d caught it from the beginning. 

When F called me I took a bit of extra time to go downstairs, but finally did go. K had left the kitchen door open a little again, so the heat I had carefully turned on earlier didn’t stay. The good thing was that at least the heater was warmed up, so the room warmed up fairly quickly once the room was closed up.

Tonight I made baked potatoes, spinach, salad and fried salt lemon chicken. I think dinner was nice, but F didn’t say anything, and neither did K. Dishes took ages to do, but at least I got to listen to podcasts again.

I came upstairs and relaxed for a bit. I had hoped to talk to F but he went downstairs and disappeared for more than an hour.I watched an episode of The Closer on my computer, which I enjoyed. I wanted to take a shower and hoped to wait for F to come back first. However, he didn’t so I decided to go downstairs…and discovered that F was at the bottom of the stairs on his way up. We had a few words and he went up and I took my shower. 

I never did get to talk to F but it could be for the best. I’m quite angry with the way things are going recently. I wouldn’t be able to keep my temper tonight I think.

Well, that’s about it for me. Not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. It’s supposed to snow in the morning tomorrow so I hope F has an easy time in the morning. 

Oh, before I forget, today’s Tea Advent Calendar was Prince of Wales tea. I drank it this morning and it was very nice. It was a good morning tea!

Until tomorrow….


Kelly said...

I'm really enjoying seeing the different teas every day. Some of them I didn't even know Twinings make! 😊

Helen said...

Thanks for commenting Kelly!

I must admit, I'm in the same boat. I had no idea that Twinings made some of these flavours. I'm enjoying opening a new one everyday. I'll be a litte sad when the calender is finished on the 24th. I'm really glad that I did buy this Advent Calendar. I wasn't sure that it was a good idea, but it's got me looking forward to mornings now!

Thanks for visiting!