December 19, 2023

Tuesday - Cold but cloudy

Well, today was not the day that I expected to have! I woke up early (but around F’s getting up time) and went downstairs. I came back and went back to bed…and then F’s phone rang. 

It turns out that F’s uncle died last night. I didn’t know him well, he’d had Alzheimer’s for the last few years and before that, he and I didn’t really meet that much. I do like his wife, she is always very nice and kind to me. F took his mother and his sister over to his aunt & uncle’s house and I slept on for a while. 

I got up eventually of course and got dressed. F and his mother came back and F made her some food. I grabbed my breakfast a bit later and came back upstairs to eat it. 

After a bit, F came upstairs and offered to take me out for lunch, but I didn’t really need any as I had stuff for lunch already. I made my lunch and came upstairs again to eat it. I watched some of the news as well. 

Then…we went out. F and I had a doctor’s appointment on Saturday, but his uncle’s funeral will be on Saturday so we can’t really go. We had to go and see if we could get squeezed in today at the doctor’s office. We were squeezed in, but we had to wait for hours. Most of the time, we waited in the car. I think I took a nap as I was a bit tired. 

After we were done seeing the doctor, paying and getting our medicine, we went back to the car. I asked F if he wanted me to cook. I had planned to, but it was already 6:30. By the time we got back to the house and I changed it would be quite late. We decided to get bentos made from the nearby bento making shop. They weren’t very expensive, so it was cheaper for us to grab bentos than go out for a meal. 

We came back to the house and ate our meals. I added on some salad, and F made miso soup for himself and his mother. He asked me, but I turned him down! Dinner was okay. After we finished, I got to do the dishes. I was rather annoyed as when F did cooking earlier, he didn’t clean up the kitchen very well. All the dishes in the drainer were dirty so I had to rewash them all. Grr. He’s not good at washing dishes. 

I went upstairs and F was already in his pyjamas. What the heck? We had to go and get groceries. To do him credit, he did get dressed again and we went out. His mother was rather annoyed with us for going out, but I needed food for tomorrow! When we got back to the house, K was in bed. 

We unpacked the groceries and then came upstairs. F filled up the kerosene tank for our heater and brought it up for us. I’m so glad he did that.

Tomorrow, F is back to work. He’ll have the rest of the week off after that I think. I should really try and do some laundry tomorrow as I’m not sure when I’ll get the chance to do more. 

Oh, and I almost forgot about the Tea Advent Calendar. Today’s tea was Rooibos Honey. I drank it this evening and it was okay, but not one I’d seek out. Not my favourite. 

I don't like honey, so it made sense that this wouldn't rock my boat!

Anyway, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


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