December 17, 2023

Sunday - Snowy and cold

I woke up early again and had to go downstairs. I came back upstairs and went back to sleep. I woke up a bit later, when F started to get ready to go out for his massage. 

He left and I snoozed for a few more minutes, but did get up. I dressed, opened my Advent Calendar for today and watched some videos. F came back and wasn’t in a great mood. His massage wasn’t great. The person he likes at the business isn’t in Tsuruoka at the moment, so he had to have someone else do it. 

I gave him a couple of ideas of where we could have lunch and he picked the cheapest option. That was fine, I just didn’t really want to go there today. 

We drove there, got a decent parking space and walked to the restaurant. We had to wait for a few minutes, but were seated soon. It was busy, so we had to wait a bit for our food. F pulled out his phone as soon as he sat down, stuck his earphone in his ear and that was basically it for the rest of lunch. Oh, yeah, he gifted me some tofu that he didn’t want. If he’d asked me if I wanted it, it would have been much nicer, but he basically said, “I don’t like this, please eat it for me.” Nope. I said no and I didn’t. He took it back at the end. The restaurant was freezing too. They had heaters around the place, but they didn’t seem to be working much.

From the restaurant, we went over to Musashi, the hardware place. F needed a new uniform and he thought he could get one there. He didn’t, but we did pick up a few things for the house. I had a search for things for my bestie but didn’t find anything that I wanted to send. 

Since F still wanted to look for a uniform, I asked him to drop me off at Gyomu Supa. I went in and grabbed a few last minute things that I want for my Christmas dinner and just things that I need in the kitchen. After a while I was wondering where F was. I texted him, but a couple of minutes later I saw him come in the store. He nicely paid for the shopping and then we went out to the car.

We went to have a drink next, so we drove through the city to go to Komeda Coffee. We went in and had a drink and a bit of relaxation time. We both nearly fell asleep in the coffee shop, so F wanted to leave. We went over to the grocery store and I went shopping there.

I picked up stuff for dinner for the next couple of nights. I don’t really like the store so I found it a bit difficult to get stuff.

We came back to the house and F threw a bit of a tantrum about wanting to have ramen for dinner. He eats ramen all the time, I don’t know why he needs to have tantrums about it. Whatever. 

After I put the groceries away, I went upstairs for a few minutes. F came up later and I suggested trying to go out to Kushibiki again. He can get ramen there and I can get something else. We tried, but when we got to the place, it had already closed. It was supposed to be open for another hour, but they probably ran out of something so closed.

We went back into Tsuruoka and tried going to a Chinese restaurant. We were able to get in and had a decent meal. Once again, F was all over his phone so we didn’t talk to each other. 

We had to get gas for the car, so we headed to the gas station and then went back to the house. I was tired so came upstairs. I turned on the heater and let it heat up for a while but finally stopped it and took the tank downstairs and filled it up. 

When I came back upstairs I decided to watch something off the Fire Stick. I had heard that Deadloch was really fun, so I watched the first episode. It was quite interesting, and has potential. I’ll try and catch another episode soon. 

Well, that’s about it for me. Oh, you want to hear about my Tea Advent Calendar?  Today it was a non-caffeine tea, Camomile & Orange. I saved it for tonight and it was lovely. I would definitely have this one again if I have the chance. 

Come back later if you like and find out what I get up to on Monday. Until tomorrow….

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