December 6, 2023

Wednesday - Sunny and warmish

I woke up for some reason quite early. F didn’t sleep well last night, and he was either awake already, or hadn’t slept at all. We played toilet tag and then I went back to bed again. I’m not sure if F did, I don’t think he did if I’m honest. 

I slept for a bit longer, but got up a bit after 9. I got dressed and went downstairs. It looked like K had gone out, so I decided to do my laundry. I got it done and it’s still hanging up in our room!

In the afternoon, I got stuck into writing Christmas cards. I did a whole bunch of them over the afternoon. Yay me.

I grabbed my lunch and then came upstairs and ate. I didn’t watch much TV today, just news when I felt up to it. 

F called around 5:15 and a little later I went downstairs to start dinner. Tonight, I made tacos. I have to give K credit, she does seem to like them! She quite gamely tries eating the tacos. She hasn’t mastered folding or rolling them though! F actually had 3 tacos tonight, which really surprised me, and made me happy!

After dinner, I did the dishes and F went out to get something for himself at a drugstore. The dishes took a while and then when I was done them, I had to do up the garbage in the kitchen. Sigh. I got it done and then went upstairs. 

I relaxed for a bit too long, but that was okay. I tried my Advent Calendar’s tea of the day and it was Raspberry & Lemon, non-caffeine. The envelope had said to brew it for more than 3 minutes, so I did 4. I’m not sure if that was too long, but the first cup was very lemon forward. I didn’t like as much as I thought I would if I’m honest. 

Advent Calendar Day 6

I took my shower and discovered that F had washed the toilet room floor. I know he wants to be helpful and all, but washing the floor of the toilet at 10 pm wasn’t the smartest thing ever. It is a very hard to dry place. I’m worried that his mother or I will slip on the floor. I’m more worried about her of course. 

I came back upstairs and watched another episode of Still Up. I quite like it, there are things going on and you never quite know what is going to happen on the show. Apple TV+ has a lot of stuff on it right now that I want to watch. I asked F if he’d watch Cocaine Bear with me over the New Year break! He said he would. 

That’s about it for my day. I’m not sure what is going to happen tomorrow. I’d like to go to the post office and mail my Christmas cards, but I also need to wrap a birthday present for my nephew. Don’t know if I’ll have time to do both since registering a parcel on-line can take ages. We’ll see how things go.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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