December 7, 2023

Thursday - Rainy, Windy, Unpleasant

I woke up early this morning went downstairs and then came back to bed and fell back asleep. It was hard to get up later, but I did finally. 

I went downstairs a bit early and ended up grabbing my breakfast then. I found that I also had another Christmas card in the mail slot. Yay me. 

I had a quiet day really. I did find packing material for the present for my nephew and I also registered the parcel on my computer. I should be able to take it into the post office tomorrow and send it. Fingers crossed anyway.

I grabbed my lunch a few minutes late and brought it upstairs. I ate and then got on with my stuff. F called me around 5:15 and I went downstairs a bit later and got started on dinner.

Tonight we had hamburgers from the store, hot mushroom marinate, salad and baked potatoes. I did them in my air fryer of course. I also put out a lot of the taco fixings from last night, including more tortilla chips. Dinner seemed to be quite popular! Both F and K ate quite a lot. 

After dinner, I did dishes. It seemed to take forever, but probably didn’t! I also didn’t have any pots and pans either, so it wasn’t that difficult!

After I finished, I let F know that I was done and reminded him that he’s cooking dinner tomorrow night. We went to the grocery store and he picked up some food for the nabe he’s going to make! I grabbed myself some yogurt for myself and a sandwich for K’s breakfast. 

We went back to the house and put the groceries away. I came upstairs and relaxed for a bit. At 11pm I watched The Rookie and enjoyed it. There was some interesting stuff on tonight’s show. The Rookie’s girlfriend proposed to him so that was interesting!

I turned off the TV and got stuck into my evening routine. I am just about finished now. 

Tomorrow I may go out to the post office in the afternoon. I need to get my cards and my nephew’s present in the mail. Fingers crossed that I do that!

Oh, and of course, you’re probably wondering about my Advent Calendar!  Well, today, it was the House Blend. I didn’t know that Twinings had one!  It was just okay. It wasn’t anything special sadly, but it was fine. 

Advent Calendar Day 7. A bit Meh. It was fine, but I expected more!

Until tomorrow….


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