December 5, 2023

Tuesday - Cloudy but clear, cool

I woke up around 8 am this morning and went downstairs. I came back up, got dressed and got back into bed. I slept on. I got up a bit later and grabbed my breakfast.

I had a quiet morning and relaxed. I got a Christmas card in the mail today which was very nice. It was from a Christmas Card exchange that I’m taking part in. 

In the afternoon, I realized that I hadn’t done laundry today so that meant that I had to set up my tree today. I took my fan over to the garage and brought back my Christmas tree and all my ornaments. I spent a couple of hours putting up the tree and decorating it. I didn’t put everything on the tree, but it looks quite good. 

Not a great picture...sorry, will try again later!

After I finished, I grabbed a late lunch and went upstairs to eat. I watched the news and a little later F called me to say he was on the way back to the house.

To be honest, he arrived before I went downstairs. However, it wasn’t a complicated dinner tonight so it didn’t take all that long. F had set up the rice cooker yesterday for me so I mixed a Korean bibinba mix into it, I cooked some chicken in the toaster oven and I put out the salad and some beets. Dinner was pretty good. K ate a lot, but she hadn’t eaten much during the day…well, not real food anyway. 

After dinner I cleared the table and washed the dishes. I took out some garbage to the genkan and then went upstairs. It took F half an hour before he came upstairs. He seemed surprised that we were going out to get groceries!

We had to go to MaxValu because it was still open and would be for a while. I went in and bought some groceries. We’re going to have tacos tomorrow night. Yay me. I suggested to F that we have nabe on Friday since we just bought a new tabletop stove thing at Costco. He is the nabe maker, so hopefully we’ll do that!

We came back to the house and I put the groceries away. I asked F to fill up the kerosene tank for our heater and he did. He also took it upstairs for me which I appreciated!

Upstairs, I watched FBI: International which was fine as usual and wrote a couple of Christmas cards while I drank my tea de jour…Rooibos Earl Grey. It was nice. I’m not sure if I’d buy it for myself since I often have a problem with Earl Grey these days, but I enjoyed it. 

So that’s about it. I’ve watched some YouTube and tried to relax. 

Tomorrow I should probably start doing a bit of my laundry and hopefully write a few more Christmas cards. Come back later if you like and find out what I get up to. Until tomorrow…. 

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