January 17, 2024

Wednesday - Warmer and sunny

I think I heard F leave this morning, but I didn’t quite wake up. Hurray for that! I woke up when my alarm went off a couple of hours later. I got up, went downstairs, then came back upstairs to get dressed. I did take another nap for a couple of hours. Sigh. 

I got up and grabbed my breakfast, found a birthday card for me from my best friend, and came upstairs to eat and drink some tea. 

I had a fairly quiet afternoon. I was upstairs thinking about going for lunch when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs but just as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw F’s sister coming in the door. For some reason, she’d rang the doorbell and then let herself in. I wasn’t too impressed honestly. I let her do whatever she was here to do. I went back upstairs and end up taking a late lunch for myself.

I went downstairs a bit before 3pm and grabbed my lunch. I came back upstairs to eat lunch. I also watched an episode of The Closer that I enjoyed. I guessed whodunnit today too, so that was good.

F called a bit before 5:30 to say that he was on his way back to the house. I went downstairs a few minutes later and got a start on dinner. Tonight I used some pre-made stuff but did a little bit of cooking too. I added some eringi mushrooms to a stir-fry and plated some potato salad. I also cooked some frozen spinach.  The stir-fry tonight was a fish one, but it was popular. There were no leftovers from dinner! 

I did dishes afterward, which happily didn’t take too long. I did up the garbage afterwards as tomorrow is the big day for garbage! I went upstairs when I finished because I was really tired. 

After a while I went back downstairs and took a shower. I met F on the way and he said he wasn’t feeling that well. Oh no, not again!

I came back upstairs after my shower and F and I chatted a little. I didn’t have time to watch any TV, sad to say. I did watch a bit of YouTube. 

I’m not sure what I’m going to get up to tomorrow. I should do a bit of laundry and maybe a few other things?! Come back later if you like and find out what happens on Thursday. Until tomorrow….

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