January 16, 2024

 Tuesday - Cold, snowy, windy and then clear

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. Surprisingly, I had slept through F going to work today. I went downstairs, came back upstairs and got dressed. I then went back to bed for a while. It was cold in the room and bed was warm!

I got up later, grabbed breakfast and went back upstairs. I ate and watched some YouTube and relaxed. A couple of hours later before I ate lunch, I went outside and shovelled snow for a bit. It wasn’t too cold and the snow wasn’t too deep, but it still took a few minutes. 

I went back in the house and grabbed my lunch. It was quite nice. It was just my usual sort of thing, but it was good. 

F texted me while I was eating to say that he was going to be late. We chatted for a while. I told him I missed a delivery and sent him a copy of the form. I had a good if quiet lunch. I watched last week’s episode of The Great British Sewing Bee and enjoyed that. 

I went downstairs a bit before 6 pm and got started on dinner. I noticed that some meat that F had bought on the weekend for him and his mother was due to expire tonight, so I had asked F if I could cook it tonight. He said it was fine, so I did. I made my usual stir-fry, but I had to cut up the veggies myself. I often buy some precut veggies so it takes less time, but tonight I did it all myself!

I got most of the meal done a few minutes after 7 pm. F was going to be late. Not only had he driven to Yamagata today for work, but after work, he was going to an onsen with some of his co-workers. It was odd! I put the food out on the table and suggested that K get ready to eat. However, she noticed that her heater was flashing (every three hours we’re supposed to change the air in the room) so she took the tank out of it and gave it to me to fill. It was low on kerosene, but not completely empty. I was really annoyed with her. Our food was on our plates on the table and she wanted me to go and fill up her kerosene NOW. I absolutely hate not eating my food hot so I was angry. 

I filled up the flamin’ tank and put it back in the heater. Then I went and washed my hands, which stank of kerosene. After I came back she went off to get her teeth. I don’t know why she can’t do that earlier, but she never does. We ate. My stir-fry was really good and so was the salad we had with it. 

I took our plates off to the kitchen and did the dishes. I had most of the things done when F finally showed up. I reheated the main dish and let him eat while I sat in the kitchen and rested my legs for a while. 

Finally, he finished eating and then I did those dishes. When I finished, I went upstairs and reminded him that we had to go out soon. I went upstairs, changed my clothes and then F and I went out.

We went to MaxValu as we were quite late tonight. I went in alone and picked up a few things. F asked me to pick up some calpas, a type of small snack sausage for him, a big bag. When I found it in the store, it was rather expensive, so I checked with him that  he really wanted to spend that much money on it. He did. 

We came back to the house, I put away the groceries and then went upstairs. I watched FBI: International. I didn’t concentrate on the story too much tonight though. 

After midnight, I turned off the TV and started doing my computer things. It has been a long day and I’m tired. 

I’m not sure what I’ll be getting up to tomorrow. I may have to shovel more snow, I may not. I have to cook dinner again, but it should be fairly easy. I hope.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Wednesday. Until tomorrow…..

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