February 22, 2024

Thursday - Snowy and cold. Winter is back!

I got up this morning around 8:30 I think. I had set an alarm so I woke up. F was gone, so that was good. He’d managed to get out of the yard. 

I went downstairs and then did my usual get dressed and go back to bed bit. I got up later and went outside around 12:00 or so to shovel some snow. It wasn’t too difficult, but the parts where F had left the branches of the tree he’s chopping down were a bit tough. 

The view from the front door. 

I came back into the house and debated getting breakfast. I decided to skip it and wait for lunch. A bit after 2 pm I went downstairs and grabbed lunch. I did a bit of a clean out of the fridge, but it was nice. I came back upstairs and watched an episode of Fringe. I followed that up with an episode of The Big Bang Theory.

I watched the news at 4 pm and then relaxed for a bit. I knew that F would be late tonight, so I didn’t bother going down early. I went down to the kitchen around 5:50 and got a start on dinner. 

Tonight I was making pasta, so since F told me that he wouldn’t be leaving his office until 7 pm tonight, I did two portions of pasta for K and I in my smaller than normal pan. I cut up the duck breast and put salad into bowls. I got everything on the table and was just sitting down to eat when F called me. Not only was he finished work, he was almost back to the house. I was a bit upset. 

I went into the kitchen and was in the process of rinsing out my pan when the handle broke. I’ve had the pot for about 20 years and I bought it second hand, so it doesn’t owe me anything, but I was rather upset. I love that pan. It was the second pan in a set. The other pan in that set was wrecked when F boiled it dry trying to make ramen. I’m wondering if I can get another handle for it since the handles are removable, but it is quite old. 

Anyway, I decided that F might not want much pasta anyway, so decided not to cook more for him. There was a bit leftover from K and I. It was a good call as he just ate what was left.

I did the dishes and then came upstairs to relax. Tonight was a quiet night, so I watched an episode of Slow Horses again, the first of the second season. It was good. After that, it was time for The Rookie, so I watched that. 

I turned off the TV at midnight and then listened to a bit of YouTube. F was snoozing on the bed, but finally went to bed  and is sleeping away. 

It is a three day weekend here, so F is off work tomorrow. I’m not sure what we’ll get up to. I’ve asked to go to a movie, but I’m not sure if we will. A lot depends on how he is in the evening. I know he wants a haircut and wants to go to an onsen. I hope he gets to do his stuff. 

That’s about it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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