September 10, 2024

Tuesday - Hot and Sunny and Humid

Last night, I suggested to F that he turn on his alarm clock before he fell asleep. Well, he forgot to turn off the alarm before he left this morning, so the alarm went off. Of course, it woke me up. Ack. 

I went downstairs and then came back to the room. I turned on the AC because it was very hot already. I watched some videos on my phone for a few minutes then fell asleep again. 

When I got up later, I went downstairs and grabbed breakfast. After that, I came upstairs to eat and watch the news. After a bit, I did a load of laundry and then another. This time I did towels and I finally figured out how to do a load and run the dryer function too. 

I got lunch a bit later and brought it upstairs to eat. I watched another episode of Major Crimes and liked it. F called a couple of times today too. He took an hour off so he could go to the doctor. He went and got some medicine and maybe a shot too. 

He came back to the house at about his normal homecoming time. I was downstairs in the kitchen just starting to get dinner underway. We had a nice reunion.

Tonight I made cucumber sticks, and then tacos. It was very nice. I made the taco meat and added some onion and some mushrooms to it as well. I plated some toppings for the tacos and eventually set the table and called F to come down. We had a good meal. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. K made a second taco without meat, which was fine. We did get her to add some in the end. 

I did have one funny thing happen while I was toasting the tortillas.  I wasn’t watching them as closely as I should have and one puffed up into a circle. It looked like a fugu! I grabbed it out of the toaster with my tongs, to put on the plate, but it rolled off the plate and onto the silicon lid for the fry pan. I picked it up again to put it on the plate, but it fell out of my tongs and onto the floor. Oh no! I had to throw it out. 

I did the dishes when we finished our meal. It took a while as I had a lot of small dishes and spoons and utensils but eventually, it got done. Then, I had to get changed and go to the store. F drove me over to MaxValu because we were a bit too late to go to Mina. I picked up a few things that I have been looking for and forgot to buy last time I went shopping. I got stuff for K’s breakfast and F’s breakfast and to be honest, my breakfast too. 

I paid and then I came back out to the car. We drove back to the house and I put away the groceries. I went upstairs to change into my PJs. Next up for me was a quick shower and then I came back upstairs. I didn’t watch my show that was on tonight as I missed quite a bit and I didn’t want to keep F awake. He stayed up quite late tonight anyway though.

Why the change in routine? Tomorrow I’m going to get my hair cut. I’ve been needing a cut for ages, but I didn’t have time. August was so hot and I had to work on my column so I didn’t feel like taking a trip downtown. I planned to go downtown when it was cooler last week, but now it is hot again. Darn.

I had a quiet evening but it was nice. Tomorrow, I have to get up and get ready to go out in the morning. That could be hard!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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