September 11, 2024

Wednesday - Hot, humid and sunny.

I woke up before my alarm this morning and went downstairs. I came back upstairs and dozed for a bit longer. I dragged myself out of bed a bit later, got dressed, had breakfast and then around 11:20 went downstairs, and checked the kitchen and the fridge to make sure that K’s stuff was well-marked and easy for her to grab. Then, I left and went to the bus stop. At the bus stop, I waited for the bus. It was only a few minutes late!

I had a nice ride on the bus all the way to S-Mall. I got off there and then I went and checked the meal at the Hotel. Sadly, their cheap special had major amounts of tomato sauce so I decided to take myself out to another restaurant. I went to La Naturalité. I was the only customer for a while, but I was given a nice table in the back. I decided to order their chicken stew. It’s a special only for September and I like chicken so it was a no-brainer. My meal started with a plate of veggies that were mostly pickled. There were carrots, peppers, eggplant, seaweed, spinach, and a few other things. That was lovely. When my stew arrived I was given a stewed chicken leg with a lovely rich brown sauce, bread, farfelle, and then a salad of cooked and raw veggies. It was amazing.  After I finished that, I was given a cup of rooibos tea (my choice out of a few options) and some chocolate mousse with vanilla ice cream. Oh my goodness. This was a lovely meal. It wasn’t cheap, but the thing is that it was worth every penny. 

I went back to the mall for a few minutes and found a seat somewhere and started to read my book on my phone. All of a sudden I looked at the time and I had a scant 10 minutes to get to my stylist’s salon. I got a move on and walked into her salon just before 2:00pm. Whew!

As usual, my stylist did a fabulous job and I left her shop feeling like a million bucks! My hair is super short again, and it is really cute in my opinion. 

For the rest of the afternoon, I spent time in S-Mall. If you have noticed that that looks awfully like small, you are correct. It’s a very small mall. I visited Daiso, the grocery store, Baskin-Robbins, and then Doutor. I wasn’t going to go to Doutor for a while, but I realized I was thinking F got off work at 6, but he gets off just after 5! I had a decaf iced cafe latte. Yum. 

F joined me a bit later when he finished work. I bought him an iced coffee and I got another drink too. We spent a bit of time deciding what to do. We decided to go to the grocery store and pick up a bento for K’s dinner. F found a few things and bought them. I told him it was too much, but he said that he was going to eat some of it too. Okay then!

We came back to the house and F gave K her bento. I put away the stuff that I bought and a few minutes later, F and I left for our dinner. He suggested Misono and I said okay, or we could try Kintaro for sushi. We went to Kintaro first but it was closed! Misono then. We drove back to Misono and went in. F had a katsudon for dinner, and I had pork sauté without rice or miso soup. It came with salad, spaghetti and ham salad and pork. It was enough and it was good. 

We did a bit of grocery shopping afterwards. I went into the shop and did the shopping and it was good. I got quite a few things. After that, F and I went to the nearby drugstore and bought masks. Our favourite brand doesn’t seem to be available anywhere near us anymore. 

We came back to the house and relaxed. I started to get very relaxed but I remembered that I had to do up the garbage tonight, so I did that and then came upstairs and relaxed. It was so hot when we came back to the room. At one point it was 32 degrees. By opening the window and one of the sliding doors, I got it cooled down a degree, but when I was going to stay in the room, I closed it all up again and turned on the AC. It’s finally close to cool. 

I watched the Canadian programme on WOWOW (Wild Cards) tonight and then turned off the TV. F was up for a while but is now sleeping. He has to go back to work tomorrow. 

That’s about it for me for tonight. Tomorrow I’ll be cooking dinner again and probably do a bit of laundry if I can hustle my bustle and get it done. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


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