September 9, 2024

Monday - Hot and Sunny

Well, last night if you’ll remember, I was whining about F not planning anything for our anniversary. Well, does he read my blog? Today he texted me and woke me up to say that his boss had cancelled one of his days off next week. Then, later on, he asked me which restaurant I would prefer and which day I’d like to go there. He made us a reservation. Woot! I’m ahead of myself again.

I went to bed a bit late last night and had to wear earplugs again. Poor F is a bit noisy at night, not just snoring at times, but he moves his feet and hits stuff near his side of the bed. It drives me crazy.

This morning, I didn’t hear him leave so was surprised when my phone let me know that I got a text from him. I went downstairs, came back up and after texting him back, I went back to sleep for a bit.

I got up later, grabbed my breakfast and ate. I had a quiet little morning and afternoon. I didn’t see much of K at all. F and I texted a bit about our dinner and he booked us a fancy dinner. Woot. 

He had planned to go to the doctor’s office tonight, but when he got there, they had closed early and he couldn’t get in. Oh dear. 

I went downstairs and got started on dinner. Tonight I did toaster oven chicken, cucumber pickle, salad, lemon-curry potatoes and some mixed veggies from the store. It turned out rather well and most of the food disappeared, except F didn’t have much food. He said that his stomach was acting up again. Sigh. 

After dinner, I did the dishes and it took a while. Still, I got it done and I enjoyed my podcasts while I did it. 

I went upstairs with a can of root beer and enjoyed the heck out of that. After that, I decided to watch some stuff off the Fire Disk so I watched an episode of Bad Monkey on Apple TV and then an episode of Three Pines on WOWOW. It was enjoyable. F fell asleep but I’m still up as usual. 

Anyway, that’s about it for me for today. Tomorrow I’m not sure what I’ll get up to, maybe a bit of laundry, maybe something else.  Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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