November 6, 2009 - Friday

Sunny and warm.

Today was a good day. I actually woke up before my last alarm today. I got up, but I really didn't want to. I was tired. I stayed up very late last night.

I had a compressed morning. I did all my usual things, but in less time. Around 1 I cooked my brunch then headed over to the school. I did my set up check and then my student came right on time. We had a good class today. She had studied, plus she came for the last couple of lessons so she isn't rusty.

I rode home after work because I didn't hear from my husband. Of course, when I got home, he was there. He said that he'd sent me a text message, but I didn't get it. Anyway, I was home, so was he. I sent him out for a couple of groceries, then I got dinner started.

I took out the tomato sauce from the other night, and the chicken too. I put the sauce in a pan to heat up, started some water boiling for pasta, and then chopped up the chicken. After that, I put the chicken in the sauce again, and heated it up.

I set the table and got F. to set up coffee for us. We had fettucine with tomato chicken sauce and it was yummy. I rarely eat tomato sauce as something about it causes my skin to itch, but it was almost worth it tonight. He picked up a salad for us, so we had that and coffee too. Nice dinner. It was also nice to use our leftovers. Usually I'm the only one that will eat them. Maybe the difference was that I "remade" the dinner? It was quite different than the other night.

In the evening I packed a suitcase, then spent a little time with my hubby. It was a relaxing way to spend my evening.

Tomorrow afternoon I'm off to Sendai. I'll be back on Monday evening. I won't be updating unless it is a mob-blog, but I'll likely write something and post later. Got to go. Night.

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