December 9, 2009 - Wednesday

December 9, 2009 - Wednesday

Rainy then clearing in the late afternoon.

Today was a good day. I got up early enough to watch the news, although I came close to oversleeping. After that, I showered and started some laundry. I had a huge pile of laundry and I noticed that I probably hadn't washed it in a while. A long while!

I wrote a few Christmas cards today too. I wanted to mail them, but when I looked out, it was pouring. I waited a bit, and then went to the post office. I was lucky when I left, it had all but stopped raining.

At the post office they basically told me that my Christmas cards wouldn't get there before Christmas. I hope they are wrong, but you never know. Some of them were quite heavy, so I guess they might take longer, but.... Hey, and in other post office related news, that parcel I sent off on Sunday...already in Canada. It's in Vancouver going through customs. Awesome, eh?

A little after 5 tonight, I left for the school. It wasn't raining and I made good time. I'm always nervous when I ride after dark. Japanese drivers are scary and so are other bicyclists at times. Also, near my school there's a couple of idiots who put boards on the road so that the jump onto the curb for their vehicles aren't so big. However, the boards edge onto the road quite often. I'm always worried that I'll bike over one and kill myself, or fall over and then get hit by a car. I stopped once and gave one of the boards a good swift kick back to the curb. It had edged over the white line and was officially in the road.

My class tonight was okay. I think the student is finding things a little hard, but he's trying. I've seen quite a lot of improvement. Now if I could just help him remember that he shouldn't say, "I am Japan", instead of "I am Japanese" I'd be happy.

After class, I prepped some of his future classes, did paperwork, filed, and started to read the paper. F texted me and a little later came and picked me up.

Tonight's dinner was in Cocos. I had their hot vegetable salad with Grilled Chicken and Garlic soy sauce and it was nice. The bad thing was there were a couple of small flies buzzing around us. It was very annoying.

We came home via the grocery store and as we were going in to the store I saw an old friend that I hadn't seen in years. She moved near Tokyo and I never go there these days, so I haven't been able to see her. We didn't talk long, but it was nice to see her.

We came home and had a quiet evening in. We watched American Idol again and then F went off to bed. He's tired these days.

That's about it for me. Night!

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